One by LeighAnn Kopans EPUB & PDF

One by LeighAnn Kopans EPUB & PDF

One by LeighAnn Kopans EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: LeighAnn Kopans
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Coming of Age Fantasy eBooks
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Most nights, and some mornings before sunrise, I sneak to the back of
the shed, and I practice. I push myself off the ground, telling my body to go
weightless, and hover. An inch, two, six, a foot. I stay there for seconds,
then minutes.

I can’t generate enough tension between my body and the air to take a
step — can’t even make myself drift. I’d give anything just to be able to
float along like a freaking ghost.
I’m a One — a half-superpowered freak. It’s the same sad story for all of
us. Every superpower is made up of at least two distinct abilities. A kid can
only fly if she can make her body light and then somehow propel herself

Two powers. Not one.
Every One puts up with getting teased at Superior High, waiting for their
second ability to show up. While they do, that One power starts to fade.
There are still shimmers of it, but after a while, the kid quits trying and the
One fizzles into nothingness. Then their disappointed Super parents ship
them off to Nelson “Normal” High, like mine did.
Here’s my secret – I never quit trying.
This morning, standing in our weedy backyard surrounded by a chorus of
crickets, behind the ancient shed with chipping red paint, I go weightless. It
happens so fast that I feel like I’m being pushed upward. My heart jumps.

I try to move, try to resist the air or push it away from me, and…nothing.
I’ve been practicing so much that I’ve gotten fast at going light. So I’m a
speedy floater. Great.

I could hover here forever, until my muscles strain, then burn, then ache,
then tremble, weeping and getting eaten alive by mosquitoes. I’d just end
up collapsing on the grass.

Nevertheless, I smile when I have to will some weight into my body to
keep from floating above the shed. I definitely cleared three feet this time.
Four years of hard work, and I can float an extra two feet.
Maybe by the time I’m eighty, I can say “hi” to the folks taking hot air
balloon rides at the Nebraska State Fair.

I’ve watched all the old-school cartoons about misfit superhero kids that
just need to work on developing their powers in order to totally rule. But
I’m not a freaking X-Man. I know I can’t work on my One power hard
enough for it to become something better, something more. And it’s not like
I can magically give myself a Second.

I know. I know.
But my body whispers to me. It tells me I can fly, if only I’m brave
enough, strong enough, determined enough.
I sigh and trudge back to the house, being careful to dry the dew from my
shoes before heading in to get ready for my first day at Normal.

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