Omega’s Vengeance by Beau Brown EPUB & PDF

Omega’s Vengeance by Beau Brown EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Beau Brown
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

My eyes feel glued shut. I feel nauseated, and I’m covered in sweat. My
thoughts are hazy, and I’m not sure where the hell I am. Slowly, my
memories begin to filter in. I remember having sex with Alessio, and then
some guy showed up. Then the little prick Alessio jabbed a needle in my

I check my pockets for my phone. No huge surprise it’s missing.
Unfortunately, so is my suit jacket. The chill of the space sinks into me with
just slacks and a dress shirt. I clumsily manage to get to my feet. It’s dark,
and I can’t see a damn thing. It smells and feels damp. I begin to inch along
what feels like a stone wall. The stones are cold and rough against the palm
of my hand. That means I’m not in a finished basement or anything that
luxurious. So then, where am I?

It’s perfectly obvious I was set up by that punk Alessio. He played me
just right too. By acting standoffish, he drew me in. If he’d come on to me,
I’d have been disinterested. Whoever sent him must know that about me.
That’s an unsettling idea. The part I really find mystifying is why he had
sex with me. It’s one thing to kidnap a person, but you don’t usually fuck
them first.

I didn’t plan this part.
Alessio said that right before we fucked. So then, the sex had
been spontaneous? Not part of the original plan? I don’t know whether to
be pissed or flattered that I was apparently irresistible. I give a harsh laugh
as I walk slowly along the wall. I’d love to get my hands on Alessio right
about now. I’d make him pay for making a fool of me. I can just imagine
squeezing that slender pale throat of his until all the life drained out of his
pretty green eyes.

My head is pounding, and my legs won’t stop shaking. I’m not used to
feeling weak, but I have to stop every few feet because I’m on the verge of
puking. Whatever they injected into me, the after-effects are not pleasant.
There are boxes and crates that I have to work my way around. As my eyes
adjust to the gloom, I begin to see shapes. At the far end of the room, there
appear to be stairs. At the top of the flight of steps, there is a door. A sliver
of light beneath the door shows shadows moving occasionally as if
someone is walking back and forth.

Ignoring the nausea clawing at me, I make it to the bottom of the stairs.
I crawl up the steps, finally making it to the door. I pound my hand on the
thick wood, and the door shakes on its hinges. “Whoever you are, you just
made the biggest fucking mistake of your life,” I roar.

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