Ollie’s Recovery by D.M. Earl EPUB & PDF

Ollie’s Recovery (BLUE SKY SANCTUARY #0.5) by D.M. Earl EPUB & PDF

Ollie’s Recovery (BLUE SKY SANCTUARY #0.5) by D.M. Earl EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: D.M. Earl
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.7 MB
  • Price: Free

Knowing today is finally the day Ollie is being released, my nerves
are all over the place, for Christ’s sake. His progress regarding his injuries
is totally right on track. The left hip is healing from being rebuilt and his
ankle is plated and pinned. Once he’s able to put weight on that side of his
body, intense physical therapy will become his best friend. Eventually, he’ll
be motoring around like normal. Or as close to his new normal as possible.

I’ll make damn sure of it.
Besides those major injuries, his left side is a canvas of scars from his
hip to the ankle. Can’t remember how many stitches and staples were used
to close him up. Still, it’s his mental status that has me super concerned.

He’s fighting taking the medication, which is only making his outbursts
more intense. He’s sinking farther into the black hole of depression, which
makes the PTSD worse. I’ve talked to both our mom and dad, who
suggested, no argued, then demanded that Ollie should come back home to
Montana to recover—like Big Sky country can heal everything. Well, that’s
how our folks think and I get it, as that’s all they know. And since five of
their seven children still live in our hometown, I guess their minds are
telling them that’s the answer.

I’ve tried to keep them both in the loop of Ollie’s recovery as much as
possible, but with HIPAA and his security clearance as a SEAL, it has been
pretty difficult. Even though he’s been put out to pasture, so to speak, he
knows too much, therefore, his medical records are locked up. Being an
oncology nurse, I don’t have the clearance to unlock them. And the brute
asshole my brother can be is being tight-lipped about everything especially
his mental health, which isn’t helping at all. Thank God I’m pretty good
friends with the physical therapy department because that’s how I’m getting
all my updates. His mental health is another story.

And the word hasn’t been too good. Ollie has had some pretty intense
breakdowns during his PT. I think twice they’ve had to sedate him because
they saw a side of him that leaned toward violence. Wouldn’t believe it,
except a few times when I’ve gone to check on him while he was asleep and
I’d try waking him up. That was interesting. Let’s see, I’ve had a black eye,
cracked lip, and sprained wrist. Leave it to my big brother to beat the shit
outta me when he’s asleep. But I get it, the demons are running wild up
there in his head. That’s why he’s got to get with the program.

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