Offside Devil by Mariah Wolfe EPUB & PDF

Offside Devil (PHOENIX ANGELS HOCKEY #1) by Mariah Wolfe EPUB & PDF

Offside Devil (PHOENIX ANGELS HOCKEY #1) by Mariah Wolfe EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Mariah Wolfe
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.4 MB
  • Price: Free

I’m half-naked in the bathroom when the door swings open.
Well, “half” is being a little generous. It was laundry day today and my only
bra was in desperate need of a wash, so I had no choice but to go sans-cupsupport underneath my sexless, green Bean & Brew polo.

But thanks to my least favorite customer on this plane of existence, the
sexless green polo in question is currently soaking in the sink. That’s so the
smell of the iced caramel macchiato with extra almond milk, extra syrup,
and an extra shot of espresso that he spilled all over me doesn’t make me

Same goes for my black jeans and my mismatched socks: ruined.
All of which leaves me with only a pair of black lace panties separating me
from my birthday suit.

So that’s where I am.
Covered in caramel macchiato.
Door swinging open.
I’m too surprised to even scream. I know without having to think that I’m in

The floor plan of Bean & Brew coffee shop on 3rd Ave and West Monroe in
Phoenix, Arizona is laid out like a big capital T. The long tail contains the
counter and the main seating area. From there, you’re no more than twelve
big steps to exits at the front and back. The customer bathrooms on the
right-hand side of the fork also have an exit exactly six paces from either

But where I am right now—the mixed-gender, single-occupant employee
bathroom attached to the breakroom—the nearest exit is a full eighteen
steps away.

Why do I know all of these distances?
Because I’ve spent the last seven years looking over my shoulder every
single second of every single day, wondering when my past is going to
catch up with me…

And how bad it’s going to hurt when it does.
I saw the man who’s currently shadowing the doorway when I first walked
into work today. He was hunched in the corner, hoodie pulled low over his
face, fidgeting in that uncomfortable, spidey-sense-arousing way that
certain kinds of people do. Just vibrating with bad energy.

I steered clear of him, but he didn’t move. Not for the first hour of my shift,
nor the second, nor the third. He disappeared sometime between hours four
and five, which was the first time I breathed easy all day.
Where he went then remains a mystery. But I know where he is now.

In this tiny, isolated bathroom with me.
And he’s locking the door behind him.
The hoodie is still drooping over his forehead, so all I can see is a brokentoothed sneer. His lips are chapped to the point of bleeding and his cheeks

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