Offside Angel by Mariah Wolfe EPUB & PDF

Offside Angel (PHOENIX ANGELS HOCKEY #2) by Mariah Wolfe EPUB & PDF

Offside Angel (PHOENIX ANGELS HOCKEY #2) by Mariah Wolfe EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Mariah Wolfe
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3 MB
  • Price: Free

Finding her looked different in my head.
In my head, I never followed Mira through the water-stained hallways of
some pay-by-the hour motel.

In my head, she is already at home with me, and two horrible weeks haven’t
passed, and we’re tangled in my sheets, fucking for the hundredth time like
the darker parts of life don’t even exist.
But this isn’t happening in my head.

This is real.
The private investigator I hired woke me up with a phone call at two in the
morning to tell me he had a lead. “Sunshine Ray’s, room 315.”
“You’re sure?” I asked, already sliding out of bed and pulling on the jeans I
shucked off a few measly hours ago. Sunshine Ray’s—that’s a motel just
outside the city. I can be there in half an hour. “You laid eyes on her this

“Black hair, legs for days. It’s your woman.”
Forgive me for having my doubts, but “my woman” has allegedly been
spotted in southern California, Utah, New Mexico, even as far east as
Austin, Texas. None of them panned out. No matter how fast I ran there or
how long I searched, I never found her.

Aiden has been at Jace’s or Reeves’s house more than he’s been at home.
I’ve missed more practices in the last two weeks than in the last six years
combined. I’m running on fucking fumes and clinging to every tiny lead.
But this time is different.

This time… I saw her.
It was a glimpse from the motel parking lot—silky black hair whipping
around a corner with an ice bucket under her arm—but it’s the closest I’ve
been to Mira in two weeks.

I stalk down the hallway, studying every room number. They’re not in any
kind of order, as far as I can tell. By the looks of the rust brown stains on
the carpet and the patched-over holes in the walls, the front office has good
reason to make the layout as confusing as possible. If all of their best clients
get arrested in what I have to assume are frequent raids, they’d go out of

Room 629… Room 428… Room 135.
I’m about to turn around and force the gangly man behind the front desk to
take me to Room 315 himself… when, suddenly, there it is.

It’s at the end of the second floor, wedged between a maintenance closet
and the back stairs down to the parking lot. The window is closed tight, but
there are muffled voices coming through the thin door.

I press my ear to the warped wood.
There are shuffling noises, heavy breathing. Then a hard, quick slapping

“Stop fighting,” a man growls. “Let me choke you.”
Mira is supposed to be alone. In the few emails she’s sent to Taylor, she
hasn’t mentioned being with anyone else.
But I don’t think. Don’t hesitate.

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