Of Shadow And Light by Melissa McSherry EPUB & PDF

Of Shadow And Light by Melissa McSherry EPUB & PDF

Of Shadow And Light by Melissa McSherry EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Melissa McSherry
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Fantasy Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.5 MB
  • Price: Free

Some people view life as a blessing; I’m not one of them. Since I was born,
my entire life has been planned out for me, every detail. How I dress, what
hobbies I indulge in my free time, and even who it is suitable for me to
spend time with. I’ve never been allowed to make my own choices, and
while to some, that may seem like a petty thing to complain about, I’m sure,
compared to some people’s lives, it is. But, I’ve spent the last twenty-one
years of my life in a cage, being poked, prodded, and groomed to appear as
the perfect princess our Kingdom needs. The perfect obedient daughter to
my father, King Roark of Vadronia.

No one cares what I want. Nobody asks if I prefer the black gown to the red
one or if I’d rather be down in the barracks training with our soldiers as
opposed to learning how to waltz. How useful are dance routines when your
Kingdom is under siege? Every choice is taken from me; every detail of my
life has been planned and decided for me. So it shouldn’t have surprised me
when I was summoned by the King’s Guard to my father’s study before
dawn this morning and informed that I am to wed a complete stranger
before the following fall.

My father’s dark eyes scrutinize me from where he sits upon his carved
limestone throne. Assessing and observing for the trait he spent twenty-one
years instilling into me – dutifulness. Some of his royal advisors shuffle
about in their wooden chairs, none ever meeting my gaze. Clearly troubled
by the news but unwilling to voice their concerns for fear of my father’s

“Did you hear me, daughter?” he asks quietly. “This is your duty, Darakai.
To all of Vadronia. The years of schooling and etiquette were all to prepare
you for this.”

My bodice suddenly feels suffocating, tied too tightly around my middle.
My breaths are too slight and hasty. The oversized white throne room
begins to spin around me as my shadows crawl under my skin, restless with
the news of my new fate. I bring my trembling hands together against my
stomach. A small gesture in an attempt to calm the uncomfortable churning
within it.

I clear my throat, swallowing the large lump. “Yes- Yes, Father, as you
wish.” My voice sounds more shaky and unclear than I’d hoped, and I know
by the flash of anger across my father’s face that it did not go unnoticed. He
quickly adjusts it, returning to his expressionless facade, ever the
conscientious King Roark of Vadronia.

The radiant golden rays of the sun fill the halls as I walk back to my
chambers after my father’s dismissal. I can hear the sounds of the waves
crashing against the shore, far below the castle walls. The sun is casting a
blistering heat over the land today, making the air humid and heavy. The
halls are filled with the scent of heavily fragrant canna flowers and fresh
fruit, calming me as I continue down the limestone corridors to my

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