Of Realms and Chaos by Brea Lamb EPUB & PDF

Of Realms and Chaos : SPECIAL EDITION (THE COVETED #2) by Brea Lamb EPUB & PDF

Of Realms and Chaos : SPECIAL EDITION (THE COVETED #2) by Brea Lamb EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Brea Lamb
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Fantasy
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.3 MB
  • Price: Free

The palace was something out of a fairytale.
As we drew closer, I could see that vines grew up the walls, painting
the white and gray with tangled strokes of green. Lilies of the valley
sprouted throughout the vast expanse of grass that covered the hillside leading
to the towering gray gates. Large windows sporadically lined the structure,
giving small glimpses of the interior.

I wondered how something as beautiful as this city could exist when the
world around it was so ugly.

Bellamy remained silent beside me, our horses nearly touching as we rode
up the path to whatever future he had so carefully cultivated. My own lies and
hidden plans hung heavy in my mind, reminding me that I would be a
hypocrite to hold his against him.

I would leave soon, prepared to fight the fae royals who had raised me,
who had betrayed their realm and their ward. The crown and the kingdom
would never be the same. I would make sure of that. Overthrowing them was
our only hope of stopping the coming war between demons and fae before it
started—before it decimated both realms and dragged the mortals down too.
Around us, the residents of The Royal City smiled and waved at their
prince, not even the coming twilight stopping them from being outside and
enjoying one another’s company. Younglings roamed the crowd. Joy radiated
from them all, uplifting my own mood.

Would it ever not surprise me to see beings of all kinds gathered around,
freely mingling? And would there ever be a time that the small voice in my
head did not deem it wrong or dangerous?

Many stopped to stare at their prince, some of the younger ones chasing
Bellamy—throwing flowers his way and requesting he give them a show. The
prince obliged, sending flowers of black flame into the air. For one of the
younglings, he offered a small whirlpool of water into her hand, laughing as it
burst when he released it. Then the wind came, fluttering in our hair and
ruffling our clothes. When vines lifted off houses and danced with the tiniest
little male, cheers erupted. The others argued over who would get a turn next,
pushing and shoving their way to the crown prince of Eoforhild.

A few of the grown demons seemed weary of me, as if they could sense
that there was something off about my appearance. They were right to be
afraid, right to cower. I was dangerous. But I did not wish hurt upon them. In
fact, I wished to see them live a life without war threatening their peace.

One demon in particular seemed to stare straight into my soul. It was as if
she was unable to take her eyes from my face, her brows furrowed in
concentration. She looked rather young, about the same age as Mia or Ignazio
—Nicola’s father. Intense gaze aside, it was her mind that set off my warning

It cannot be her. She has long been rumored dead. No, this must be someone else.
But why then, would she be with the prince? Why would she be here otherwise?
From that point on, I stared forward, ignoring them all. It seemed I was
deceased. At least, according to demon gossip.

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