Of Night and Blood: Special Edition by Brea Lamb EPUB & PDF

Of Night and Blood: Special Edition (THE COVETED #1) by Brea Lamb EPUB & PDF

Of Night and Blood: Special Edition (THE COVETED #1) by Brea Lamb EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Brea Lamb
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Fantasy
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

The stark difference between the heat in my cheeks and the cool kiss of the
wind was a welcome relief. I could still feel the anger rising from the pit
of my stomach, threatening to boil over. Was I seeing red, or was that just
the shade of the roses seeping into my vision?
I tried to take deep breaths, but the scarlet petals brought back the sound
of his dingy, lust-filled voice.
“Your beauty rivals that of the most luscious flower.”

The thought of it made me want to eviscerate the rose bushes entirely. I
looked down to see that my knuckles were gaining a white hue from gripping
the balcony railing so tightly. I could not fathom how anyone could be so
incredibly vapid, with nothing to offer but his own arrogance.

“That dress becomes you, Your Highness.”
Foul. Absolutely foul. After attempting to court me for over three months,
Sterling Windsor had yet to mention anything other than my physical
appearance. If Kafele was to be believed, then I also knew the prince had much
more vulgar things to say about my body when I was not present. Nicola’s
betrothed had never given me reason to doubt him before, so there was no
cause to do so in regard to the annoying man.

If one could call him that. Being nearly two hundred years older than him
made me reluctant to do so. Which was another rather revolting aspect of this
soon-to-be union. He was practically a child in comparison to me. In fact, I
was well into my eighteenth decade when he came to be.
I suddenly felt sick thinking about what I must have been doing when the
boy prince learned to walk.

Perhaps if Sterling was not trying so desperately to fit into a place where
he, quite honestly, did not belong, then I could see past the superficial;
although, the age might still haunt me. How many more times could I sit
through breakfast while he said obnoxious things like “Your eyes are especially
dazzling today, Asher”? Or walk with him while he showcased one of the most
jaded personalities I had ever come across? Or politely tell him once again to
keep his hands to himself without smacking him across the face? Worse yet,
how could I do this for a lifetime?

My spiraling was interrupted by the click of the double doors opening
behind me, and then the steady tap of heels on concrete. Each step towards me
echoed, the sound of pure confidence sending birds scattering. I knew who it
was before her lilac perfume wafted my way, but the scent was further
confirmation that the queen stood to my left.

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