Not Safe For Work by Lindsey Lanza EPUB & PDF

Not Safe For Work (CALIFORNIA LOVE) by Lindsey Lanza EPUB & PDF

Not Safe For Work (CALIFORNIA LOVE) by Lindsey Lanza EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Lindsey Lanza
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 5.9 MB
  • Price: Free

Two months later
“The new usual?” Karla asks as I enter Fog & Foam, my daily
caffeine supplier.
“Yes, please,” I reply, though she’s already started making my sugar
cookie latte with an extra shot and an obscene amount of whipped cream.
Ian would say my drink order is ridiculous, but he’s not here to judge me
anymore. Somehow it makes the drink taste even sweeter.

I’m earlier than usual so I grab a seat to enjoy a few sips before heading
into the office. I could save a dollar a day by going to any of the three
Starbucks across the street, but I love this place. It’s full of mismatched
furniture and chairs that are actually comfortable. And just north of the San
Francisco Ferry building, it’s right on the water. The name isn’t a
coincidence; for most of the morning, the entire shop is surrounded by fog.

When I was young, I hated the fog. It made my hair frizzy, my skin
damp and my parents wouldn’t let me ride my bike when the ground got too
wet—I had a tendency for tracking mud through the estate. But then I
learned that fog was the lifeblood of California wine country, the place I
grew up in. All that extra warmth from the Pacific is what made my
family’s business a success. And it creates a damn good pinot noir.

Opening my email, I scroll through to delete the numerous automated
messages I don’t need and I spot a LinkedIn notification. As a sales rep
pushing marketing software in San Francisco, I basically live on LinkedIn. I
send tons of messages to prospective clients every single day, but for some
reason I have a good feeling about this one. And when I open it up, I’m

Tristan Cross (He/Him) – 2nd
Chief Marketing Officer at Surf and Stream

I appreciate your persistence in reaching out to me. As you
mentioned, I was recently appointed this position and my schedule
has been full. I’m very interested in hearing more about what you do
at Sizzl and how it could benefit our marketing program.

You’re also correct that our offices are nearby. If you’d still like to
meet for coffee, I could carve out 30 minutes tomorrow at 10:00.
Fog & Foam is my favorite as well.
You can email me directly at [email protected] for a
faster reply. Please CC my EA Chelsea:
[email protected].

Tristan Cross
I can’t help it. I squeal.
“Hey, you okay?” Karla shouts from behind the counter.
I look back apologetically. “I’m fine, sorry. Great, actually.” I grin at
Karla. “Better than great.” This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for, a
chance to prove myself with a huge prospect. For the first time in weeks,
I’m excited to go into the office.

I grab my coffee and practically skip down the Embarcadero to our
building, sneaking a few glances at the water and the Bay Bridge—one of
my favorite views. I anxiously ride the elevator up to the twenty-second
floor, letting my nails tap on the wall to the beat of Aretha Franklin
demanding respect. And then I burst through the doors to Sizzl HQ like I
own the place.

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