Northern Currents by Trina Lane EPUB & PDF

Northern Currents by Trina Lane EPUB & PDF

Northern Currents by Trina Lane EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Trina Lane
  • Language: English
  • Genre:  Action & Adventure Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4.2 MB
  • Price: Free

“Now put the ready 60 on the line! Put the ready 60 on the line!” the
paging system blared. Jacob ran through the hangar to where the
watch captain bellowed instructions as the linemen latched the small
yellow tractor, affectionately known as Big Bird, to the tow bar of the MH60 Jayhawk. A line crewman held the button that opened the hangar door
while the pilots charted the position of the ship that had called in the

Tomás, the flight mechanic, and Jacob raced with their gear
toward the helicopter’s open door, the pilots dogging their heels. Tonight,
the aircraft commander was Lieutenant Dixon. Jacob enjoyed flying with
her. Their copilot, Lieutenant Marcello, was new to the crew, so he would
act as primary navigator and troubleshooter. Venturing out to the gulf, they
faced a challenging night for the case.

The storm raging all along the
Alaska coast was one for the record books. The four of them jumped in,
strapping the five-point harnesses around their bodies. Through the ICS,
Jacob heard the pilots run through the checklist. Then the whine of the
engine and the thump of the blades became as steady as his heartbeat. He
ran through his own checklist of equipment.

What they would find when they got on site was debatable. Jacob’s
experience in most search and rescue cases, especially in weather like
tonight, was that there could be a significant difference between the reports
they received and what was actually happening. He looked through the
windows as they sped toward the last known location of the vessel. The air
was choppy as hell, and the chopper got buffeted by wind gusts.

Typically, a
call went out over the airwaves for any other ships in the area to help an
endangered boat, if possible. But tonight, there was nobody out there except
the desperate or insane. It took them nearly forty minutes to arrive on scene.
Jacob saw the fishing vessel below. It was listing to port about forty
degrees, and waves broke over the pilothouse.

“She’s going down, Sanders,” Tomás said.
Jacob nodded. Waves that at last report were topping out around thirtyfoot swells rammed into the boat. Her crew had already abandoned ship and
were out in the water.

“I’m going to make a low, slow pass overhead,” Dixon announced over
the communication system.

There were ice floes on the surface, which made his descent into the
water more treacherous. Normally, they would use the hoist to lower him
when there was any debris in the water, but with the way the waves collided
against each other, Jacob was afraid he would get pulled away from the
target area.

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