Noah: in your eyes by Antonella Alekseeva EPUB & PDF

Noah: in your eyes by Antonella Alekseeva EPUB & PDF

Noah: in your eyes by Antonella Alekseeva EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Antonella Alekseeva
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 11.1 MB
  • Price: Free

“I forgot myself
Somewhere along the way
Hoping to come back
To meet me someday”
Let me be myself — 3 Doors Down
— Noah, later we need to review some issues about the new
contract that Rowedder is proposing. I don’t feel trust in that man.
I look up, putting the newspaper aside, to look at my father. He’s not
exactly the type to get involved in company matters, at least not since I took
his place as CEO of Foster Enterprise.

However, I know that deep down, he may be right, in fact he always
is. His career as one of the best SEALs in the American elite further
sharpened the intuition that Jack Foster already possessed, information he
highlights whenever possible, as he does not go into many details about his

— What makes you think about that first thing in the morning?
— I’ve been watching him for some time, at the request of a friend.
— he comments, calmly.
— Something to worry about? — I ask, with a calm air, but filled
with immense curiosity.

I feel like something is wrong, I need to find out what terrain I’m
about to enter, especially knowing that something is worrying him.
— Maybe yes, maybe not — he ponders, rubbing his chin. — I want
you to take some time with this negotiation, we don’t have urgency with this
new project, so it can wait, but I need you on a mission, so to speak — he
says enigmatically, something that surprises me.

Since leaving the army, he spends much of his time sailing and
enjoying his free time, which has increased since he has announced his
retirement, at least that’s what I know about him.

Believe me, my father’s love life is something indisputable at home.
— You know I’ll do whatever you ask of me. — I take a deep breath
and continue: — I will always be grateful for having taken me out of an
uncertain future, when I could have destroyed myself if I had continued in
that situation.

— Noah, we already talked about this, I don’t want thanks, I just
want you to live your life being a good man and increase our family. Surely,
you won’t like being as lonely as I was until I found you.
— Oh, no, this subject again? — I look directly at him. — Are you
going to say now that you’re dying, that you want grandchildren and I’m
going to come and fulfill your last wish? — I reply, in a playful tone.

I know that the old man would never force me to do this, however,
he always reinforces that I should give it a chance when love comes my
way, all so that I don’t make the same mistakes as him. I never knew what
happened in his love life, but something tells me that he had lost a great
love or even suffered a huge disappointment.

While I wait for his response, he calmly drinks his coffee, I believe
analyzing my words, forming a response that I probably won’t want to hear.
— It wouldn’t be a bad idea to meet someone and fill the house with
children, at least I’d have company for sailing, since you’ve been too busy

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