No Rhyme or Riesling by G.R. Lyons EPUB & PDF

No Rhyme or Riesling (WINE COUNTRY DADDIES #5) by G.R. Lyons EPUB & PDF

No Rhyme or Riesling (WINE COUNTRY DADDIES #5) by G.R. Lyons EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: G.R. Lyons
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 6 MB
  • Price: Free

JOHN CUNNINGHAM stomped on the brake pedal, threw the gearshift
into Park, and flung open the door, barely remembering to kill the truck’s
engine as he got out. He put his hands on his hips and paced, stomping
down the short weeds and grass that grew between the vines.

He stopped, took a deep breath, then closed his eyes and let out a sigh.
After a moment, he opened his eyes and turned to face east, putting his back
to the fence. The setting sun burned on the back of his neck. It was only late
May, but it was already uncomfortably hot outside. John snorted a
humorless laugh. Almost a decade in California, and he still wasn’t used to
the weather.

Slowly but surely, despite the heat, a smile took over his face as he lost
himself in the view. This was his favorite part of the property. Even with all
the hundreds of acres that Vista Robles Vineyard covered, this section was
the most beautiful. Something about the slope of the land. Or maybe it was
how the majestic oak trees stood guard amongst the vines that stretched off
as far as the eye could see.

This was his solace. The place to which he came when he needed to
reset after dealing with people.

Christ. Fucking people. John took another deep breath. The past week
had been intense. The Paso Robles Wine Festival kicked his ass every year,
and this one had been no exception. It was the one part of his job that he
hated. Most of the time, he could focus on tending to the grapes,
coordinating with management and distribution, and diving head-first into
the intricate process of turning crushed fruit into a bottled sensation. But
Wine Fest? Ugh. For that, he had to be social.

John understood the point of it, of course. People wanted to meet the
winemaker, the person responsible for creating the vintages they loved. But
John found the whole thing so utterly exhausting. Besides, it wasn’t like he
was going to answer their questions any differently than the tasting room
staff might have done. Hell, that was their entire job: pour wine and answer
questions. But for four days every year, John had to be front and center.

Constantly present and available to the customers.
And that day—the final day—was the worst of it. They’d all gone over
to the Paso Robles Event Center, a facility that covered the space of several
city blocks. Initially, the land had only been used by the California MidState Fair, which was held every July. Now, though, the Event Center also

hosted the Wine Festival’s Grand Tasting. Hundreds of local wineries had
been represented—and the fact that the small town of Paso Robles even had
hundreds of wineries still blew John’s mind—with tents and tables taking
over the facility while people came in droves to sample the local vintages.

In the Vista Robles tasting room, the crowds could be kept to a minimum.
But the Event Center? And on a Saturday, no less? It was wall-to-wall
people. Almost as bad as the Mid-State Fair itself, which was nothing if not
pure insanity.

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