Ninth Circle by Jordan Silver EPUB & PDF

Ninth Circle by Jordan Silver EPUB & PDF

Ninth Circle by Jordan Silver EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Jordan Silver
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

You know, life certainly is funny sometimes. This story is going to
take you places you’ve never been, so buckle up, cupcakes, let’s
go for a joy ride. Let me tell you about the year I lost my everloving shit on hearth and home and gave my little town a story to
last for decades. That shit is still being told, and I’ve been damn near
normal since then, but whatever. Haters gonna hate.

Now, this all started when I had to leave town on a business trip that
was supposed to last four days. It was one of the biggest deals of my career
thus far, and at twenty-three, it was a big deal because I was the youngest in
my division, fresh off the campus lawn.

I know the only reason those good ole boys sent me was because I’m
pretty as shit with a body to go with the face that was blessed by whoever
threw me together. Big-up to the big guy upstairs. Oh, before we go any
further, I’m just a tad bit full of myself, but I’ll be damned if I didn’t earn
that shit.

I aced everything I ever did, don’t know how or why. I’m that kid you
love to hate. Never cracked a book until the night before finals and still
walk away with an A-Plus. People hated me, but little did they know I lived
off of their tears. Sweet!

Now, don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t one of those stuck-up debutant
types, no ma’am. I liked to roll in the mud with the best of them. That’s
probably because I grew up with four older brothers who thought I was one
of them until I hit puberty. Then they lost their ever-loving minds and
started treating me like spun glass. Meh!

Anyway, I was confident in my own skin and wasn’t too stuck on
getting anyone’s approval, and it showed. I think Mom’s nineteen-eighties
music, which was the equivalent of Beethoven to yours, truly helped
promulgate my sense of myself. Her favorite song to clean the house to was
Nobody’s gonna break my stride, Nobody’s gonna slow me down.

I used to follow her around with my little toy vacuum shaking my butt
along with her and singing my own version, and I think it stuck. But I
digress. Anyway, they sent me off to San Francisco from my little town in
the deeeeeep South to hobnob with the executives they were trying to

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