Nine by Jennifer Raygoza EPUB & PDF

Nine by Jennifer Raygoza EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Jennifer Raygoza
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

The Pact
My birth name is Storm Wilson, but my clients call me Nine. I was
born in a trailer park just on the outskirts of Albuquerque, New Mexico,
with two junkies for parents, and enough bad childhood memories to
qualify for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. It’s a miracle that I can even put
a damn sentence together when speaking after everything I’ve been

Fortunately for me, I’m driven, smart, and sexy, and when it comes to
the moneymaking business, I know my shit. That’s the only reason I’ve
managed to stay alive this long, but to do so with longevity as I have, I had
to do the unthinkable. I took a deep plunge and made a decision that most
teen girls should never have to make, but it was the only way out.

I was young, homeless, and terrified at the time. It was a swim or
drown type moment and I chose to swim. I wanted to breathe, so I set my
feet in motion. I figured that since I was already lying in the bottom of the
barrel of life, any move I made was better than not making one at all. That’s
exactly where I was, and how I convinced myself to become the one thing I
never imagined I’d ever be. An Escort.

It was by far the best decision I’ve ever made, but also the hardest
decision of my life. I still mentally struggle with my choice, because I can’t
quit, even after all these years. The thing is, I don’t really want to, and that’s
what bothers me the most. I’ve become content doing this. The truth is, the
money’s too good. It’s now my addiction. The cash has become my drug of
choice, and the paper high I speak of is a killer. The more I have, the more I
want. I love the smell of money. I can’t help it. There is nothing like crisp,
green cash stacked in my hands. I’m not lying when I say this. It definitely
makes my nipples hard and my panties wet.

In this business you learn that cash never comes alone. It has a best
friend called power, and I personally love how they complement each other.
I have something these men need, and they have something I want. The
very two things that make this world go round. Pussy and money. That is
why I find myself chained to this industry.

I’m addicted to the Benjamins,
and being able to control and manipulate the situation is just a bonus.
I know that sounds all badass, but if I’m really being open and honest,
it’s not just about money intoxication, and it’s not just me that I do it for. It
goes a lot deeper than that. It’s also for Jenny, my assistant. She’s a woman

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