Nightfall’s Prophet by T.A. White EPUB & PDF

Nightfall’s Prophet by T.A. White EPUB & PDF

Nightfall’s Prophet by T.A. White EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: T.A. White
  • Language: English
  • Genre:Paranormal Vampire Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

I FELT RIDICULOUS. I was pretty sure I looked it too. My arms pumping,
my chin lifted as if it could make me even a tiny bit faster. I power walked
like my life depended on it down the sidewalk to the cute downtown where
my niece’s ballet recital was taking place.

Fifteen minutes late and counting.
I hated being late. Loathed it, really.
Unfortunately, pelting through the streets at a mad dash wasn’t likely to
fix my tardiness. Rather, it would only serve to draw unnecessary attention
and leave me out of breath and sweaty upon arrival.
I rounded the corner, feeling a wave of relief at the sight of my
destination up ahead.

Almost there.
If I’d known beforehand how stinking far this place was, I would have
chanced parallel parking my precious, a burnt umber Jaguar F-Type that I’d
nicknamed Gwyneth, instead of circling the block a few times looking for a

As I hurried, the phone in my back pocket buzzed. The unexpected
vibration made me miss a step. Cursing under my breath, I fished it out to
take a glance at the screen.

Thomas. My sire. Definitely not going to answer that.
The man must have some kind of radar that only went off when I was
doing something I shouldn’t be. How else could I explain his impeccable
Strictly speaking, maintaining contact with your mortal family was
frowned upon in vampire society. To the point where most vampire sires
preferred to stage their yearlings’ deaths to make a clean break. After
which, further contact was forbidden.

As cruel as it sounded, they had their reasons. Most yearlings were
considered highly dangerous in the first decade or so after their transition.
Our history was littered with stories of yearlings returning home only to
slaughter their nearest and dearest the first time they got a little peckish.
Imagine having to spend eternity knowing you’d chowed down on Mom,
Dad, and your baby sister or brother. Some vampires were so overcome
with guilt they never recovered. A few, unable to handle what they’d done,
sought the oblivion of true death afterward.

That’s why it was considered safer for both sides if the yearling simply
disappeared from their former family’s life.
Maybe that was the reason those with fewer family ties were preferred
when it came to the transition. It was just one less thing binding them to the
mortal world.

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