My Turkish Fling by Enni Amanda EPUB & PDF

My Turkish Fling (LOVE ISTANBUL #2) by Enni Amanda EPUB & PDF

My Turkish Fling (LOVE ISTANBUL #2) by Enni Amanda EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Enni Amanda
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Two people so over-the-top in love should have come with a warning
label, flashing lights and sirens. Then maybe I could have avoided
the sickening displays of affection. Except I was at a family dinner,
and there was no escape.

I buttered a dry piece of breadstick, trying my best not to look at
my brother Cem and his fiancée Aria. Despite my carefully selective
focal points of a half-eaten lamb carcass, brass candle sticks and my
own plate, I’d already witnessed five achingly long looks, two
lingering kisses and was certain Cem’s left hand was doing
something inappropriate under the table.

“Could you at least try to look like you’re not here to murder
everyone?” Cem hissed in Turkish.
“Could you stop the public foreplay?” I hissed back.
Mom gave me a warning look, then turned her sharp eyes at Cem.
“Allah, Allah! Behave, both of you.”

Aria threw us a cautious look, nudging a little further from Cem.
She couldn’t understand Turkish but must have picked up on the
vibe. I tried to relax my face, counting minutes. How long would this
dinner last?

“Did anyone want seconds?” Aria’s mother Lyn pushed the silver
tray of roasted vegetables towards my parents. Mom smiled and
refilled their plates.

“How are you supporting yourself, Cem?” Aria’s father, Greg, asked,
leaning forward. “Apart from this… acting?”
Okay, now we were getting somewhere, I thought. I much preferred
straight talk to this simmering tension in the air.

“I am an actor,” Cem confirmed with a wide smile. “I’ve mostly
worked in Turkey, but I’m hoping to get English-speaking roles here
in New Zealand.”

I was still angry with Cem for throwing away the biggest
opportunity of his career on a whim. First, he’d mooned the
paparazzi and ended up with scandalous photos all over the
internet. Then, just as I’d found a solution by staging photos with a
Kiwi actress who resembled his co-star, he’d fallen in love with the
stand-in and followed her to New Zealand, ruining our milliondollar deal with Epic Studios.
I had to admit one thing, though: I’d never seen Cem this happy.

Stupidly happy. Forget Epic Studios. He could have starred on
Sesame Street without a hint of irony.
“Actor, huh? It’s a hard slog,” Greg’s mostly bald head bobbed,
bushy eyebrows drawing together. “Good to have a fallback career,

“Definitely!” Aria’s mother, Lyn, echoed. “Our Aria did the smart
thing, moving back here and taking a job at the film office.”
Aria’s eyes flashed with alarm. “I’m thinking of quitting,” She
nibbled at her thumbnail. “I want to try acting one more time. See
how this film does.”

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