My Perfect Screwup by Ryan Taylor EPUB & PDF

My Perfect Screwup by Ryan Taylor EPUB & PDF

My Perfect Screwup by Ryan Taylor EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

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Novel: My Perfect Screwup by Ryan Taylor
Writer(s): Joshua Harwood, Ryan Taylor
Format: pdf epub
Categories: Fiction Books

Seven Months Later
“COMING BACK from Christmas vacation is hard enough, and a snowstorm
on the first day of class is like adding insult to injury.” William munched
some bacon, and when no one else commented, he added, “My head
I took a sip of the kerosene the dining hall called coffee. “Mine too.
Having drinks last night was a good idea, but we should’ve stopped after
three or four.”
Adam sighed. “It wasn’t the quantity. It was the rot-gut vodka Emile
My head was pounding, and I hoped the ibuprofen I’d taken would
kick in soon. “Send me next time. Emile’s always been a cheapskate.”
Adam finished his bacon and balanced his chin on his hands. “He just
turned twenty-one over break and wanted to make his virgin trip to the
liquor store.”
William had taken a mirror out of his bag and was dabbing cream
under his eyes. “He either needs someone to go with him, or we send
Caleb next time. Hangovers make my eyes puffy.”
“You’ll live,” I said.

“Maybe, but there will be no reason to. No dates, no pleasure, no
screaming orgasms. What if the perfect jock boy walked by and wanted to
drag me to his room, only to see my ugly eyes and run away in horror?”
We tittered, then grew quiet again while we drank our coffee. The
sounds of the dining hall were ghastly background music to my headache,
making the throbbing worse.
“Have you heard from any law schools yet?” William asked, returning
the mirror and eye cream to his bag.
I groaned. “No. The schools I applied to won’t send out decisions until
the middle of April.”
“Do you still want to stay here if you can?” Adam asked.
“Yes, Marlowe’s my first choice. It’s one of the top law schools in the
Adam pointed at William’s untouched toast and raised his eyebrows.
William nodded, so Adam picked it up and looked at me. “You’ll get in
here, for sure. You’re the smartest guy in this crowd.”

“Nothing to do but wait and see.”
“That sucks,” William said. “Just drink and fuck your days away. The
time will pass before you know it.”
That got a big laugh, and my head cleared up a little.
Adam finished William’s toast in record time. “Only four more months
until graduation.”
“Don’t bring that up,” William said. “It’s too depressing. I want you
guys to stay.”
Adam and I were the seniors in our friend group. We’d become besties
when we lived in the same dorm freshman year. Luca and William came
along a year later, and Emile the year after that.

“Don’t worry about it,” I said. “If all goes well, Marlowe Law will
accept me, and I’ll still be here.”
“With your nose buried in law books,” Adam said.
William snorted. “And some guy’s big dick buried in you.”
“O-kay.” I stood and picked up my tray. “It’s almost ten o’clock. Time
for class.”

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