My One-Night Heir by Natalie Anderson EPUB & PDF

My One-Night Heir by Natalie Anderson EPUB & PDF

My One-Night Heir by Natalie Anderson EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Natalie Anderson
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.2 MB
  • Price: Free

‘OH, TALIA, thank heavens you’re here!’
Despite my exhaustion I shoot Kiri a massive grin. ‘Where do you need
‘Everywhere.’ The chef looks near tears. ‘The servers are so
inexperienced they need training more than guidance but there isn’t time.
The fryer won’t get to temperature and I can’t—’
‘Leave the servers with me,’ I interrupt. It’s clear Kiri’s hit peak stressed
chef and I need to move. Happily, sorting an imploding kitchen situation is
something I’ve done more nights than I want to remember. If I quickly
smooth front of house, Kiri can concentrate on her magical plates. She just
needs confidence in me for calm to return.
‘There aren’t enough glasses for the affogatos.’ Kiri continues listing the
‘I’ll find alternative ones.’
‘Yeah, but the coffee machine is misfiring and the primary ordered
espresso martinis ten minutes ago even though we’re only through the third
course and have another two—’
‘Affogato and espresso martinis?’ I interrupt again.
‘She requested tiramisu as well.’ Kiri growls.
I chuckle. She’s a customer after my own heart. Coffee’s my one true
love and I’m going to need my own caffeine hit to get through the next few
‘The hired entertainment is late and has only just got onto the gondola.’
Kiri tosses a pan into a sink with more force than necessary. ‘Typical.’
It’s just over a twenty-minute ride in the suspension car to the exclusive
restaurant at the top of the mountain so, what with the diva espresso
machine and delayed entertainer, there’s a gap in proceedings. I can’t
entertain, but I can tame a coffee machine.
‘I’ll stall with the martinis,’ I reassure Kiri as she whirls back to another
pan, furiously stirring its bubbling contents into smooth submission.
‘Did you see the forecast?’ Kiri growls, stuck in her doom spiral. ‘Some
apocalyptic storm is due.’
‘Yeah?’ I bite back a laugh and resort to my fool-proof trick to distract
Kiri. ‘Well, it only needs to hold off for another couple of hours, then you’ll
be back down the mountain being massaged by your unreasonably hot
Kiri’s eyes glaze over and her frantic stirring stops. She snaps out of it in
time to catch my amusement. ‘I know.’ She finally cracks a smile. ‘I’m
losing it.’
‘You’re fine. Focus on your food. I’ll take care of the extraneous. But not
even I can change the weather.’
‘You sure?’ Kiri chuckles mid-sprint from counter to flaming grill. ‘I
think you’re a goddess.’
I’m not. But I am used to working back-to-back shifts. I’ve been doing it
since I was thirteen and got my first kitchen-hand job. When Romy—owner
of the café I work a day shift at—phoned half an hour before closing saying
the manager at the gondola restaurant was down with flu and they
desperately needed a head waiter, I said yes. Sure I’ve already worked a
twelve-hour day, plus I have a midnight-till-closing shift at a dive bar later
tonight, but I need the money. And not just because of the cost of living

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