My Merciless Don by Faye Pierce EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Faye Pierce
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 6.5 MB
- Price: Free
“Ten minutes to go.” Kylie’s sultry voice in my ear was like a caress
and if I didn’t know that she was happily engaged, I’d think she
was flirting.
“Why do we have to talk like we’re Navy seals again?” I asked grinning like
a mad woman, as I pretended to peruse the shelf of leaflets opposite the
hotel reception.
“Shut up and go with it. He’s coming down the stairs.”
“No elevator?”
“Apparently not.”
“What about the underboss?”
“Our interceptor is ready to go as soon as he steps foot in the lobby. That’ll
give you a window of maybe three minutes. Don’t waste it.”
“Have I ever been known to waste a single minute?”
Kylie just snorted in my ear. It was a good thing that we were such good
friends aside from her being my PA, because otherwise I would be obliged
to fire her on the spot. My target, Marco Cassio of the Cassio Cosa Nostra
crime family stepped into the lobby. I’d seen pictures of him, of course –
Kylie is very thorough in her research – but whoa the man… clean took my
breath away.
I mean, those shoulders alone should be illegal, and nobody would blame
me if I just walked up to him and buried my head between his pecks.
Furthermore, who really had that shoulder to chest ratio in real life? Movie
stars maybe, not ordinary human beings with crime families to run. It was
just so unfair, why did he have to look so good?
The black hair, black eyes, black suit really add to the air of danger about
him, and weirdly enough, the scar on his face just enhanced the mystique
instead of being off-putting.
Oh, I am going to enjoy this job.
“Stop salivating and get in position, Audry. Interceptor making contact…
now,” Kylie interrupt my musings. With a sigh I begin walking towards the
bar. Through the corner of my eye, I saw Dominic accost Marco and his
bodyguard, his glasses askew and looking earnest.
“Mr. Cassio, I have a proposal for you, please read it,” he said loudly,
thrusting a bunch of papers at the crime lord. Marco simply glanced at his
underboss and walked away. Valerio Cassio, Marco’s brother and right-hand
man, grabbed Dominic and began to drag him towards the exit of the hotel.
I crossed my fingers. It was sink or swim time. If Marco didn’t go towards
the bar, I would lose my window. I watched with relief as he strode across
the room and into the bar.
His appointment wasn’t for another hour and a
half. Kylie was currently in traffic, making sure his vehicle was delayed,
and Dominic was making it very difficult for Valerio to let go of him, as he
tried to convince him that his proposal was the best thing that could ever
happen to Marco.
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