My Best Friend’s Brother (CLOSE CONNECTIONS #2) by Liam Livings EPUB & PDF

My Best Friend’s Brother (CLOSE CONNECTIONS #2) by Liam Livings EPUB & PDF

My Best Friend’s Brother (CLOSE CONNECTIONS #2) by Liam Livings EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Liam Livings
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.7 MB
  • Price: Free

‘You’re doing what?’ Ryan asked.
His mum was perched on a stool by the kitchen island. ‘Don’t be like that. I
thought you’d be happy for me.’ She held his hands, stared into his eyes. ‘Tell
me you’re happy for me? Please.’

Ryan’s heart squeezed for her. He was standing in the kitchen of the family
home he’d been brought up in. Had a very privileged upbringing thanks to his
actor mum, and TV presenter dad. He was expecting her to tell him she had a
big part in an American movie, the big break into Hollywood she’d always
hoped for but had never quite happened. Not that she was getting re-married.

Ryan narrowed his eyes, how to handle this? He loved his mum, and
wanted her to be happy, it was just that after one divorce, he hoped she’d have
learned marriage wasn’t worth bothering with. ‘I am happy.’ He swallowed, bit
his bottom lip. ‘Who is he?’

She smiled.
Good, so the lie about being happy for her was worth it. He felt a bit better.
‘He’s my driver,’ she said. ‘We’ve known each other for ages. For years, he’s
worked at one of the studios where I’ve been doing that daytime TV chat show.
He’s been there longer than me actually. Since he was in his twenties, so he’s
worked there for nearly thirty years. He’s been taking me to work for decades.
Since me and your dad were together.’

Interesting. Ryan raised an eyebrow. That made this man in his fifties,
about a decade older than his mum. Feeling less positive now, Ryan blinked.
‘Nothing untoward, of course. Back then, he was married. We both were.’
She looked away for a moment.

The pain at the divorce from his dad obviously still hurt. She’d said it had
been on the rocks for a while and luckily his dad had divorced her before
meeting his now husband, Matt.

Ryan swallowed. It still caught him unawares, remembering his parents
were not only divorced, but his dad was married to a man Ryan’s age. It
happened, of course. Just Ryan didn’t expect it to happen to them.
‘Your dad is very happy with Matt. Can’t you be happy for me. Dave is
going to make me very happy. I know he will.’

How a divorced driver who was ten years older than his mum, would make
her happy, Ryan had no idea. But she seemed to think he would. With care, he
asked, ‘How long has he been single?’ Was he a serial womaniser, or cheated on
his ex. Did he have some weird thing about his mum, sort of celebrity stalking,
but allowed because he worked with her. Anything was possible. He’d read that
one of the women from ABBA had been in a relationship with a man who’d
stalked her. Stranger than fiction, right.

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