Murder at Midnight by Tegan Maher EPUB & PDF

Murder at Midnight by Tegan Maher EPUB & PDF

Murder at Midnight by Tegan Maher EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Tegan Maher
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Ghost Mysteries
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“More tea, Noelle?”
“Yes, please,” I replied, smiling and pushing my glass
toward my friend Kristen. She’d started working at Bobbie Sue’s a couple
months ago, and it was nice to see her happy. She’d been miserable at her
previous job, and it had taken a toll.

“There ya go,” she said, then topped Hunter’s off, too. “Y’all need
anything else?”
I shook my head. “Nope. Just the check. I want a piece of cheesecake,
but if I have it, I’ll be worthless for the next three hours.”
“Yeah, but it’d be worth it,” she said, smiling as she strolled off. She
wasn’t wrong. Bobbie Sue had the best strawberry cheesecake in town.
“Are you gonna eat that?” Hunter, my fiancé, asked, motioning toward
the last piece of garlic toast remaining on the plate between us.
“All yours,” I replied. “What’s on your agenda for the rest of the

He sighed. “I have a meeting with the city council. It seems we have a
land battle brewing.”
I laughed, trying to imagine what that would entail in a town as small as
Keyhole Lake. “Do tell.”

Hunter rolled his brown eyes. “The Grady’s are remortgaging their
farm, and the bank required a land survey before they’d approve it. It seems
the fence that separates their property from the Barker’s on the north side is
ten feet into their property, and now they want to move it. The Barkers have
cattle and say that fence line’s been there since the properties were split
back in the thirties and say the surveyor’s wrong.”
“That’ll be fun,” I said, brows raised. Fenceline disputes were the stuff
hundred-year feuds were made of, but I wasn’t sure why he was worried
about it. “But what’s it got to do with you? That doesn’t sound like an issue
for law enforcement.”

Hunter was the sheriff but often got dragged into petty disputes because
somebody would end up doing something spiteful that required a clear head
and the threat of handcuffs.

He scowled as he sopped up the last of the juices from his barbecue and
baked beans with the toast. “It’s crazy. Abram Grady wants me to serve
them with an eviction notice and seems to think I’m not taking it seriously
enough. Thus the town council.” He sighed. “I need to resolve it before it

gets out of hand, though, Yesterday, Birdie Grady and Thelma Barker
nearly came to blows in the produce section at the Piggly Wiggly. It’s
getting ugly.”

I paused, brow raised, then grinned at how far he’d come since he was a
city-boy transplant out of his depth in the tiny Southern puddle he’d moved
to. “Have fun with that. I’m gonna pop in on Erol then go home and lay by
the pool before the girls and I go out tonight.”

“Maybe I’ll be done with the meeting in time to hang out with you for a
bit. A beer by the pool sounds amazing.” He slid to the end of the booth to
stand but pulled back as a familiar woman plowed past us down the aisle.
Miranda, a barmaid at my favorite dive bar, was a woman on a mission,

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