Murder and Marinade by Tegan Maher EPUB & PDF

Murder and Marinade by Tegan Maher EPUB & PDF

Murder and Marinade by Tegan Maher EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Tegan Maher
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Cozy Culinary Mystery
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

I STOOD UP, STRETCHING the kink from my back, and checked out the
display of my handcrafted furniture and display pieces. We’d been loading
and unloading for most of the morning, and I was willing to call it good
enough for the time being. “Let’s take a break for a minute and go see how
Bobbie Sue and Earl are doing.”

Hunter rolled his head, cracking his neck and wiping the sweat from his
forehead with his forearm. The late-morning sun glinted off the Ferris
wheel in the distance behind him, and people hustled all around us, setting
up their own booths in preparation for the fair that started the next morning.
“That sounds great,” he said. “Maybe they already have something on
the grill.”

In the interest of getting our tent ready for the craft fair, I’d been trying
to ignore the mouth-watering scents of barbecued meat and carnival food
wafting on the breeze.

At his suggestion, my good intentions flew out the window and my
stomach rumbled. Our good friends Bobbie Sue and Earl owned Bobbie
Sue’s Barbecue, or BSB as folks had started to call it, and they were
competing in a competition over the weekend.

While Hunter closed up the trailer, I dropped the sides of the tent, then
he slung an arm around me and we followed our noses to the far end of the
fairgrounds where the barbecue competition would take place.
“Max,” I called. “We’re going up to the BSB truck to grab something to
eat and see how Bobbie Sue and Earl are doing. You goin’?”
Max was my miniature donkey, though there was much more to him
than that. I’ll touch on that in a bit, but for now, just know that he rarely
turns down food and never turns down good scotch.

He pushed to his feet from where he’d been sunning himself and shook,
then trotted to keep up with us. “Of course I’m coming.”
I leaned my head on Hunter’s shoulder as we walked. “Thanks for
helping me set everything up. I couldn’t have done it without you.”
Since we’d met, Hunter had stuck around through ten times what most
men would have.

In the first three months of our relationship, he’d learned
witches exist—because I am one—and ghosts are real. Then as the months
progressed, he’d kept not one, but two, of my friends—and one of my
enemies—out of jail, and he’d embraced the craziness that was my life.
I was the first to admit I wasn’t always great at showing appreciation,
but it wasn’t because I didn’t feel it; I just had a bad habit of assuming he
knew how awesome I thought he was. I was making an effort to remedy
that because some things should be vocalized.

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