Mother Pucker by Regina Wade EPUB & PDF

Mother Pucker by Regina Wade EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Regina Wade
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

equal and opposite reaction. And that reaction will, without fail, be
followed by an overreaction somewhere on social media.
Your aunt Doris’ trip to the plant nursery. Those tortured song lyrics
dedicated to long-forgotten exes. That one unflattering high school science
fair picture. It’s all still out there, waiting to be rediscovered.
What happens on social media stays on the Internet.

“Not this again,” I skim the email on my phone with a sigh as I walk
into the gym’s changing room. “Just once, I’d like to make it to seven AM
before someone gets caught acting like a fool on camera.”
I slip my makeup bag into my locker— right next to the Kate Spade
pumps that stole my heart and half of my first paycheck. I drop the padded
hanger with my suit onto the rack and close the door. The clink of metal on
metal rings out through the empty shower room around me. A small bronze
plaque above the locker stares back as if daring me to believe it’s real:
Payton Lawson.

Social Media Director, Houston Snowhawks.
I love my job. Working in the publicity department for a professional
hockey team comes with plenty of perks. More than enough to make up for
those early-morning phone calls and meetings that should have been emails.
It’s hard to imagine a better community to live and work in.
One of the best benefits of my job is being a part of The Nest.

No expense was spared when it came to Houston’s new professional
hockey team. The Nest is a training center, housing complex, and all-season
stadium rolled into one. There’s a state-of-the-art medical center on-site—
as well as a physical therapy clinic, yoga studio, and meditation garden.

There are also year-round parks, biking trails, and skating rinks scattered
around the campus, all open to the public. And everything is within walking
distance of my loft apartment overlooking Snow Summit Stadium.
Working at The Nest also gives me access to a world-class fitness
complex and sauna 24 hours a day. It’s not unusual to find me alone in the
weight room or cardio center before the sun is even up. I love being the
only one in the gym.

No. Not all alone. He’s here, too.
My early-morning workouts are the best part of my day. It’s the perfect
way to get my head in the game before tackling the hundred-and-one things
that are bound to go wrong this week.

Sometimes it feels like I get more work accomplished during my
seventy-five minutes in the gym than I do in the eight hours sitting behind
my desk.

I plug one earbud in and climb onto the elliptical machine. My mind
buzzes as my body warms up. I do my best thinking while working up a

“Please remind Kai Mita that he is still legally bound by the morality
clause in his contract,” I dictate a reply to this morning’s email into my
phone without breaking my stride. “This is his third shirtless bar fight of the

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