Morally Corrupt by Veronica Lancet EPUB & PDF

Morally Corrupt by Veronica Lancet EPUB & PDF

Morally Corrupt by Veronica Lancet EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Veronica Lancet
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.3 MB
  • Price: Free

“You can start.”
I nod to the prostitute as I take a seat. The chair is parallel to the
bed, and this angle allows for perfect visibility. Raising my gun just a little
so they can see I’m not kidding, I lean back and make myself comfortable.
The woman drops to her knees, her hands trembling as they struggle
with the fastening of the man’s pants. I roll my eyes at her obvious
anxiousness and spare a glance at my watch. Vlad will not like this.
“Faster!” I snap, thinking I’d already wasted enough time with the
threats. If she keeps this up, I’ll have a furious Vlad on my hands, and all for

“Y-y-yes,” she stammers and finally takes his dick out. Surprisingly, he’s
hard. Then again, given his age, he probably took something to help him
out. I motion for her to continue.
She lowers her head, and opening her mouth, she takes him in. I narrow
my eyes, trying to look at her technique. I’m busy observing when the door
bursts open.

“B, what’s taking so long?” Vlad groans as he enters the room, locking
the door behind him. He takes one look at the bed, then his eyes find me
before shaking his head.
“He was having a tête-à-tête with a prostitute,” I shrug, pointing toward
the mid-coitus couple.

“So?” He arches an eyebrow, hand on dagger as he playfully rotates it in
the air. “What are you waiting for?” he asks, exasperated. I knew I should
have been more succinct in my threats to get the action going faster. Vlad is
not the patient type.

“Don’t you see?” I stand up, coming around the bed and pointing toward
the huddled figures. “This is my opportunity to learn from a professional.
Miss . . .” I look at her.
“Abigail,” she breathes out, her lip trembling.
“Thank you. Miss Abigail here was just about to demonstrate the act of

We’d been ordered to assassinate the CEO of an oil company — Mr.
Horace Bentham. I don’t know if it had been luck or fate, but I’d got to him
just as he was about to dip his wick in Miss Abigail. Now, I am not one to
miss an opportunity when it’s staring me in the face. Mr. Bentham would be
dead, but only after I’ve assuaged my curiosity.

“A blowjob, you mean.” Vlad rolls his eyes at me, swinging his knife
around and making sure the guests understand the unspoken threat.

“Same thing.” I wave my hand dismissively, and I take my seat once
more. “Come, watch! You might learn a thing or two, as well.”
“I’m fine,” he replies drily. “You have ten minutes. No more. We need to
hand in the proof that he’s dead.” He takes two steps and positions himself
next to the windowsill.

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