Moonlight’s Ambassador by T.A. White EPUB & PDF

Moonlight’s Ambassador by T.A. White EPUB & PDF

Moonlight’s Ambassador by T.A. White EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author:T.A. White
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Vampire Thrillers
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

SLIME. OR SO close to it that the description fit. It was everywhere.
In my hair. Covering my body. Oozing from my shoes with every step. I
grimaced as my skin pulled and a patch started to itch. The only thing worse
than slime was slime as it hardened.

I held my bike at arm’s length, with as few fingers as possible, to
prevent the slime from adhering to it. Bad enough that it was going to take
me hours to get this stuff off me. At least I could stand in a shower to
loosen it up. No way was I subjecting my bike to the same treatment. Bikes
were expensive. Good bikes even more so. Mine may not have been top of
the line, but I had no intention of letting a hundred-dollar job destroy it. If it
meant I had to walk four miles home rather than risk getting this stuff all
over my bike seat, then so be it.

This was the last time I accepted a run for a kappa. I didn’t turn down
paying work often, but I think I had finally found my line in the sand. The
damn thing had thought it was funny when its pet covered me in this sticky
gunk after I startled it.

A creature straight out of Japanese folklore, the kappa was about the
size of a child and had made the sewers under the city its home. It wasn’t on
my normal route, so I’d never dealt with one before—much less known how
easy it would be to freak out its pet, which was the size of a small truck and
had teeth as long as my arm. Evidently, that over-sized worm had a thing
about phones, the sight of which sent it into a sliming, vomiting tizzy.
Normally, Tom, a gnome and my arch nemesis at Hermes Courier
Service, was the one responsible for running messages for the kappa and
others in the Fey community, but since his involvement in trying to fix the
vampire selection, he had been MIA. That left the rest of the Hermes
couriers to pick up his slack.

No more. Jerry could find someone else to deal with the kappas. I was
done. Those aquatic pranksters could go pick on someone else from now
on. I didn’t need the headache.
I turned the corner onto my street and frowned. Something was

It took me a moment before I realized what it was. The lights. Someone
had gotten all the street lamps working, making the small stretch almost
seem like a legitimate neighborhood for once. It was a nice change, since
the lights had been out since I moved in several years ago. The city got
around to replacing them every once in a while, but they were always
broken again before the night was through, leaving the street in shadows
until the next time the city’s budget accommodated new bulbs or someone’s
parents complained.

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