Modern Romance Collection May 2024 Books #1-4 by Abby Green EPUB & PDF

Modern Romance Collection May 2024 Books #1-4 by Abby Green EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Abby Green
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.6 MB
  • Price: Free

Twenty-one months later, Manhattan
ERIN STOOD BY the cot, watching her one-year-old daughter finally—
mercifully—fall into sleep, legs and arms splayed as if fighting to the very
end. The small room was bathed in dim undulating lights that threw various
shapes of unicorns, dogs, rabbits and birds across the ceiling, chasing each
other on a loop.

Erin smiled as she looked at her. She was a sturdy, feisty little thing and
she didn’t resemble Erin at all. She was all her father. Dark skin…dark curly
hair. The only thing she’d taken from Erin were her hazel eyes.
Erin had almost grown used to the ache near her heart whenever she
looked at her and was reminded of Ajax Nikolau—which was far too often
for comfort. The ache was fast turning into a kind of heartburn.
Her conscience pricked. Hard. Her father had been minding Ashling
today and he’d said it to her again.

‘You can’t keep putting it off. He needs to know. She’s almost walking.’
Erin knew he was right. She’d made attempts to let Ajax know—she’d
even written him a letter—but there had been no response and she’d not
pushed it, partly because it had been a reminder of his rejection, but also
because of unwelcome memories from far closer to home, within her own

She’d told herself she had more important things to get on with. Namely
becoming a single parent to her daughter and searching for a new job.
In fairness, Ajax had pointed out that she wasn’t under any pressure to
leave, and that if she’d requested a transfer to a different office or
department they wouldn’t have to see each other again. She could stay
working for the law firm his company used—it was vast.

She’d been tempted. It would have made things easier. But even without
having to see him she knew that she would have been aware of him. And
people talked. He was a dynamic, enigmatic man. Single. Available. She
would have heard gossip about who he was with. And, as much as Erin
would have liked to deny it to herself, and pretend that what had happened
between them was just physical, he’d crept under her skin and got to her on
an emotional level.

Which she knew was ridiculous. They’d had one conversation outside of
the bedroom, that second night, and needless to say that hadn’t strayed into
anything personal.

Erin had known she was way out of Ajax Nikolau’s league—that what
had happened between them had been as out of character for him as it had
been for her. That was why he’d dumped her so unceremoniously after that
second night.

Erin’s break-up with her college sweetheart hadn’t sliced as deep as that
rejection by Ajax. Even before the unanswered letter, it had called to mind
the deep and abiding pain of her mother’s rejection and abandonment, and
its effect on her father, when Erin had been just a toddler. A pain that she
had successfully managed to avoid all her life by not allowing anyone to get
too close.

But Ajax had got too close. And that had terrified her. So she’d accepted
his ending of their brief affair.

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