Missing By Moonlight by Melissa McShane EPUB & PDF

Missing By Moonlight by Melissa McShane EPUB & PDF

Missing By Moonlight by Melissa McShane EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Melissa McShane
  • Language: English
  • Genre: New Adult & College Fantasy
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Ginnevra lay on her back and watched the moon as it hung overhead,
mostly obscured by pine branches. One day past full wasn’t enough to alter
its perfect shape, like a white pearl in the sky. Its malevolent eye watched
her through the trees in return, but Ginnevra wasn’t superstitious about
being outside during the full moon. Not much, anyway.

She resisted the urge to make the warding sign against the evil eye and
instead brushed her fingers across the grace nestled into the curve of her
throat. The pearl, big as the tip of her thumb and black as night with the
faintest glowing gray aura, was warm from her body heat and smoother
than silk. Ginnevra touched it again, contemplating the symbolism. The
black pearl to counter the Bright One’s white one. Ginnevra had never seen
a white pearl, but she’d been taught about them in her instruction to become
a paladin. They sounded bland by comparison.

Distantly, a wolf howled, a mournful sound that threaded through the light
wind. Ginnevra smiled. There was nothing to be afraid of, out here in the
wilds between the cities, except possibly herself. She’d seen all manner of
wildlife in the past three days, nothing big enough to threaten. And she
definitely wasn’t afraid of what had made that howl.

She sat up and poked the fire’s embers. The summer evening was too warm
for her to need a fire for heat, and she’d let this one die as the sun set. Now
she checked to see that it was fully extinguished. Summer had been hot and
unusually dry, and she had no desire to be the cause of a wildfire that would
sweep unchecked across the forest to the great plains southward. She was
leaving in the morning, and she could endure without a hot meal until her
return to civilization.

Still, the smell of the hot coals roused her, though she couldn’t sleep
anyway, not tonight. She stood and paced around her small camp nestled
between the firs that grew close together, never harvested. Yes, fire was a
real threat here. And yet she didn’t think the place would be all that
improved by humans moving in to chop down trees and build a settlement.
True, she was a child of the city, and civilization was far superior to
scratching a living in the back end of nowhere, but sometimes one needed
time alone in the natural world.

The howl came again, closer now. Ginnevra couldn’t see the stars to guess
what time it was, but the moon’s position said she had another five or so
hours until moonset, which meant about four hours to sunrise. She returned
to the shelter she’d built between two of the bigger trees and sat. Sleep
would at least be something to pass the time, but she’d slept most of the day
and now she wasn’t tired.

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