Miss Charlotte and the Duke (THOSE VERY BAD FAIRBANKS #11) by Alyssa Clarke EPUB & PDF

Miss Charlotte and the Duke (THOSE VERY BAD FAIRBANKS #11) by Alyssa Clarke EPUB & PDF

Miss Charlotte and the Duke (THOSE VERY BAD FAIRBANKS #11) by Alyssa Clarke EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Alyssa Clarke
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Historical Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 7.3 MB
  • Price: Free

“The Duke of Desire and Sin tantalizingly presents yet another
indulgence for those bold enough to step into his newest den of vice
and temptation.”
As Phoebe Fairbanks perused the latest gossip swirling around the
enigmatic figure who had been the talk of society for the last couple of
weeks, a flicker of amusement danced within her. Mr. Gabriel Stanton,
mockingly called the Duke of Desire and Sin, had stirred up quite the
scandal with his audacious exploits.

The scandal sheets reported that he wagered a staggering sum of ten
thousand pounds against the Marquess of R at a horse race in Ascot—and
won. He challenged the Earl of P to a carriage race, emerging victorious
against an opponent who had remained unbeaten for the past five years.
This victory was particularly shocking and contributed greatly to his
notorious reputation.

“It’s all ridiculous. What does racing have to do with notoriety?”
Phoebe muttered, setting the newssheet on the small walnut table, tapping
the tip of her finger on the well-pressed paper. “Is it not all good fortune?”
According to idle gossip, Mr. Stanton’s father was a butcher and his
mother a seamstress, with no connections to high society. The scandal
sheets accused him of trying to infiltrate their ranks, a notion that society
found scandalous and unforgivable. Despite their indignation, members of
the ton found themselves drawn to his gambling den—Moonlight Mystique.

Many found Mr. Stanton’s interest in the ton highly suspicious. Rumors
suggested he coveted entries to society balls and drawing rooms, often
wagering with an invitation as a stake. Phoebe, who knew the struggle of
securing a place in the ton, sighed as she recalled the disdain her family had
faced when her eldest brother became the Earl of Celdon.

She was undeniably captivated by Mr. Stanton’s flagrant disregard for
social boundaries and their inflated opinions. Though she scoffed at the
absurdity of the topic of discussion in the scandal sheet, a spark of curiosity
ignited within her chest, a familiar sensation Phoebe struggled to suppress,
for curiosity had always been her downfall—or so her family often

“Perhaps everyone is as bored of balls and picnics as I am,” Phoebe said
with a wry chuckle.

She understood her temperament well and knew if she did not relieve
this unending boredom and dissatisfaction, she might do something rash
and inexcusable.

Like sneaking into a gambling den.
She bit her bottom lip to distract herself from the flare of excitement
that quickened her heartbeat.

What secrets lay hidden within the walls of your gambling house that
earned you such a moniker? What do you promise your patrons as the Duke
of Desire and Sin?

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