Mine to Hold by Jen Talty EPUB & PDF

Mine to Hold by Jen Talty EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Jen Talty
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.3 MB
  • Price: Free

Emmerson Kirby lifted the family’s newest addition and pressed his lips
against her chubby cheeks. He blew a big fat raspberry. God, he loved
babies. They smelled like innocence and looked at you like you had all
the answers.

Six-month-old Siggy laughed. And laughed. This wild belly laugh filled
his heart and soul with more love than he knew what to do with.
Damn, his brother’s little girl had stolen his heart.
All his nieces and nephews had done that.

And he didn’t play favorites, but Siggy was his goddaughter and he’d
developed a special bond with her.
“You’re too stinking cute.” He kissed her nose. “And you are stinky. But
Uncle Emmerson doesn’t do dirty diapers. Not even for you.” He handed
Siggy back to Rhett. “She’s all yours, man.”

“You know, her uncle Chris does diaper duty.” Rhett waved to Shelby,
pointing to the little girl in his lap, who chewed on his thumb. “And I seem
to remember you changing all of Seth and Nathan’s kids when they were

“I was young and stupid. Now I’m old and have learned to give them
back to their parents.” Emmerson smiled.
Shelby stood by the deep end of his mother and stepfather’s pool. It was
still strange to call Steve his stepfather, but it made his mother insanely
happy, so he went with it.

But what was weirder was the fact that Steve was his little brother’s
biological father. Jameson didn’t call Steve Dad. At least not most of the
time. The few times it slipped out, no one said a word about it. Not even his
mother. But everyone caught the emotion laced in her tearful eyes.

Jameson had no idea Steve was his father until a few years ago and it
rocked the very foundation of the Kirby family. Jameson still refused his
mother’s wish to take Steve’s name and he never would.

Steve had told Jameson that while he’d love nothing more, he respected
and valued the man who had raised him and preferred Jameson to keep the
family name. The ones his brothers had.

And that was the name he’d given his children.
Today, things were steady as she goes.
“Besides, you’re pawning her off on your wife.” Emmerson laughed.
“She has the diaper bag and the breasts that feed this kid. In about ten
minutes, she’ll be screaming bloody murder, and my boobs don’t produce

“You do have nice breasts.” Emmerson reached out and massaged his
brother’s pec. “You filled out that dress real nice.”
“You’re an asshole.” Rhett batted his hand away.

“How’s my little princess?” Shelby lifted Siggy out of Rhett’s lap,
before leaning over and kissing her husband. “Why the sourpuss face?”
“I’m never going to live down putting on that damn dress for you. Why
did you have to go and show my family? That was just mean.”
Shelby hiked the little girl on her hip. “Not mean. Funny as hell and I
swear, you looked better in that bridesmaid dress than I did.”

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