Mikhail’s Playhouse by Ciara St James EPUB & PDF

Mikhail’s Playhouse (HOUSE OF LUSTZ #1) by Ciara St James EPUB & PDF

Mikhail’s Playhouse (HOUSE OF LUSTZ #1) by Ciara St James EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Ciara St James
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4.9 MB
  • Price: Free

My six-week hiatus was at an end. I wished I could say I’d figured
out my problem and corrected it, but I hadn’t, at least not entirely. What I
did figure out, I was hesitant to say aloud even to myself, let alone tell
anyone else. I didn’t want to believe it, so I was ignoring it a while longer.
Not the best course of action, but I’d run with it until I couldn’t suppress it
any longer.

A few good things I did walk away with from my vacation were I
had a great tan, I’d read a ton of books on my to-be-read list, I ate a bunch
of great seafood, and I now had an appreciation for the beach and the ocean
that I never had before.

Reuben had picked me up from the airport on Saturday. He told me I
looked like a beach bum with my tan, in my casual clothes, and that my hair
had grown out a bit. I hadn’t bothered to keep it trimmed while I was gone.
I told him to kiss my ass. The bastard just laughed at me and said he didn’t
swing that way, so stop propositioning him. Asshole. I wondered how we
were even friends. Well, not really. We were both assholes, so that was
probably why.

We hung out for a good chunk of the day and had dinner together
before he went to work. While we did, he asked me if I’d discovered what
was wrong with me. I avoided giving him a clear answer. I waved it off and
told him it had been exhaustion and a slight case of burnout, but I was over
it now. I hadn’t taken a real vacation in years. I wasn’t sure if he believed
me. He’d given me a probing look but didn’t outright call me a liar. I didn’t
delude myself into thinking this meant he was satisfied. He’d hit me with it

On Sunday, I got ready to go back to work, which meant I got my
hair trimmed first. My barber usually didn’t work on Sundays, but he made
an exception for certain customers, and I was one of them. I always made
sure to tip him well for doing it. After he had me back to looking like
myself, I had groceries delivered, and I made sure my suits for the week
were ready to go.

Sandra had picked up the ones I had at the dry cleaners
and delivered them to my place while I was gone. Thank God I had her to
clean and run errands for me. I could keep the surfaces clean and picked up,
but I hated to do the more in-depth cleaning, so I hired her to do it. If I’d
told her what I wanted, she would’ve had the groceries ordered, too, but I
hadn’t known what I was in the mood for.

As I made my way to work Monday evening, I didn’t have far to go.
Open to the public were the first two floors of the House of Lustz. The third
floor was my private domain.

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