Midnight Magic by Erin O’Kane EPUB & PDF

Midnight Magic by Erin O’Kane EPUB & PDF

Midnight Magic by Erin O’Kane EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  •  Author: Erin O’Kane
  •  Language: English
  •  Formats: PDF / EPUB
  •  Status: Available For Free Download
  •  Series: None
  •  Price: Free
  •  File Size: 2 MB

After ensuring the coast is clear, I slip out of the cabin and down the short
flight of stairs as the sun’s morning rays just start to peek through the dense
forest that surrounds us. With a quick scan of the clearing, I sneak to the back
of the building, using the wooden walls to hide me.

While it’s early, and most of the pack will still be fast asleep in their beds,
there’s still a chance someone will see me, which is why I need to slip into
the treeline as quickly as possible. Taking a deep breath, I make a dash
towards the undergrowth. I’m fast and light on my feet, thanks to my wolf
genes, so I’m pretty sure no one saw me. I know it won’t be long until my
family notices I’ve left, though, so I need to put as much distance between us
as possible before the inevitable happens.

I’ve lived in this forest my whole life, so I know it like I know my own
body. I’ve also managed to memorise the routes the pack’s protectors take on
their patrols of the perimeter. Weaving past the trees, I jog through our land.
I’m not trying to escape, I just need some time to myself, and I know the
perfect place.

Deep into our territory, far away from even where our most reclusive
pack member lives, is my favourite place to visit—a spot I used to run away
to when I was younger, and I needed some space. It’s been years since I last
came here. Most wolves thrive on being part of a pack and surrounded by
other wolves, and while I love interacting with my family and packmates,
there’s always a part of me that wants to be alone, surrounded only by nature.

A small grove appears before me, the trees giving way to the spring in the
middle of the clearing. The water pours between the rocks and into a clear
pond before running down into a little stream that continues farther into the
woods. Rocks surround it, and I pad towards the closest cluster, perching on
the edge and watching the water bubble up from the ground.

Peering up through the trees, I see the faint outline of the moon, which
fades as its bright cousin rises for the day. This is my favourite time to be out.
Most wolves love the night and howling at the moon, and I do too, but it’s
quiet and peaceful here, with just the moon and me before it sets and the sun
fully rises. It’s one of the only times that the twisting, churning feeling inside
me settles and I feel peaceful. I’ve never told my family that I feel this way. It
would only upset them, and I’ve seen the looks they give each other when I
do something unexpected and they think I’m not looking.

I become aware that I’m being watched, and for a brief moment, my
spine stiffens as I prepare to run and protect myself, but then the sense of
pack settles over me, and I release a sigh. While I’m glad I’m not about to be
attacked, I’d hoped to be by myself for a little longer before someone caught
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