Midnight in the Garden of Okay and Meh by Katie MacAlister EPUB & PDF

Midnight in the Garden of Okay and Meh (OTHERWORLD ADVENTURES #2) by Katie MacAlister EPUB & PDF

Midnight in the Garden of Okay and Meh (OTHERWORLD ADVENTURES #2) by Katie MacAlister EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Katie MacAlister
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“Do you have the condoms?”
“Not on me. I gave them to their intended recipient.”
The voices of two women echoed in the bathroom where I stood. I looked
up from texting Nora, my former mentor, and greeted them.
“Are we at the condom stage?” I asked Karma and Ysolde, both of whom
stopped at the large mirror to cast critical glances at their reflections. “I
thought all parties had decided to keep things on the chaste level. Or at least,
not full-on sexy times.”
Ysolde made a face, an expression that Karma almost identically

“I would certainly be happier if Brom waited before jumping into a
physical relationship, especially with someone who is only seventeen, but my
preferences don’t seem to matter to someone of the lofty age of almost
nineteen,” Ysolde answered.

Karma shot a look at the door before saying, “It took Pixie three entire
weeks of hedging around before she came right out and said that she was an
adult and wanted to do adult things, and could I please make the appointment
with Planned Parenthood that I had offered should she be interested. So now
she’s protected against unwanted pregnancy, and in possession of a number
of condoms that Adam felt was suitable. I will mention the number would
have been three figures if I hadn’t pointed out to him the message so many
condoms was sending.”

“Brom has condoms, as well. More importantly, I told him in no uncertain
terms that if he doesn’t use one, I will personally geld him. Slowly. With a
dull spoon. And when he protested that I wouldn’t have grandchildren if that
were the case, I told him kids were overrated.”

I laughed along with Karma at that. “You are the most maternal person I
know, so I hope he took heed of the threat.”

“I don’t know that he would have until Baltic took him out last week for
dragon training, and he came back looking suitably twitchy, and asked me to
get him another box, since the one we got him last year might have expired.”
Ysolde, who was wearing her long blond hair in a high ponytail, bared her
teeth at the mirror in a lipstick check before hurrying to one of the stalls.
“What on earth did Baltic tell him that could possibly be worse than
gelding?” I asked, leaning up against the sink. “The effect of STDs on the
human body?”

“Worse. Evidently he went into the hell of a colicky child,” came from
the stall. “Anduin had colic for what seemed like the entire first year of his
life. Baltic estimates he walked near to six hundred miles in the halls of
Dauva in order to soothe the baby.”

“Dauva?” Karma asked.
“Our home when we’re in Latvia,” Ysolde answered.
“That sounds like a genuine nightmare,” Karma said, tidying her hair.

“I’m so glad Pixie was fifteen when I got her.”
“It was hell.” Ysolde emerged and moved immediately to the sink. “But it
was enough to have Brom thinking twice about getting his wick wet.”

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