Midnight Heat (HEAT BETWEEN THE SHEETS #1) by Fiona Clarke EPUB & PDF

Midnight Heat (HEAT BETWEEN THE SHEETS #1) by Fiona Clarke EPUB & PDF

Midnight Heat (HEAT BETWEEN THE SHEETS #1) by Fiona Clarke EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Fiona Clarke
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

I’m wearing a dress I wouldn’t normally wear. It fits my curvy body like a
glove, and the cleavage is… Maybe I shouldn’t wear this—not my first
time going out. Especially because I’m going to be by myself. Even if it is
the nightclub I’m going to be working at. What if someone gets ‘handsy’?
I run my hands from my breasts down to my hips. There’s a real reason
I’m wearing this dress. To catch prey. I want to be a femme fatale. I laugh
out loud at my silly thoughts. I need a lot of practice to become a femme
fatale. But I can at least let myself go a little bit and see what comes from it.

Checking myself out in the mirror one last time, I pick up my clutch and
phone and call for a rideshare. I don’t know what I’m going to do for
transportation here in Miami just yet.

The rideshare arrives quickly, and I climb inside. The guy checks me out
through his mirror, and I blush. I know it’s a daring dress, but I’m supposed
to be going out of my comfort zone, so I don’t pull at my skirt like I really
want to.

The line at the nightclub is midsized for a Friday night, but it’s early yet.
I’m not going to tell the guy at the door who I am. I want to go incognito
tonight. Everyone who’s in line is either paired up or in a group of trendy
girls that I can’t hold a candle to. I hope they let me in. But the dress works
as the guy looks at me appreciatively and lets me inside.

I am impressed by the place. It’s huge, and there are several floors for
special guests. The decor is sleek and modern, and the atmosphere is
vibrant. I know I should have researched the place a bit more before taking
the job, but it was such a good opportunity that I couldn’t pass it up.
Promoting this venue all by myself is not going to be easy, but I’m up to the

It feels like a night for a girly drink, so I start making my way to the bar
when someone crashes into me, and their drink spills all over the front of
my dress.

“Hey, watch it!”
“You owe me a drink.” A girl says, holding onto her empty glass.
“You owe me a dress. You’re the one that crashed into me and poured
your drink down my dress.”

The girl just makes a face at me and walks away, leaving me to wonder
how to remove the huge red stain on my white dress. The thing is probably
ruined, but I need to see if I can salvage tonight still. I move towards the
back of the club, where the restrooms are, and have to wait in line for a bit
before I can go in.

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