Merry Me Darling by Lilian T. James EPUB & PDF

Merry Me Darling by Lilian T. James EPUB & PDF

Merry Me Darling by Lilian T. James EPUB & PDF – eBook Details

  • Author: Lilian T. James
  • Language: English
  • Formats: PDF / EPUB
  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Series: None
  • Price: Free
  • File Size: 1 MB


sitting position. I failed, flopping back onto the mattress when the round
weight on my stomach was too much. I tried again, grumbling out a curse.
“Seriously, Garrett, I have to pee so bad, move!”

He laughed, a dimple peeking out at me from where his head laid on my
torso. He wrapped his arms tighter around me and turned, snuggling his face
down toward my lap.
“If I wet this bed because you won’t get off me, I’m going to rub your
nose in it like a dog.”

He playfully bit my thigh and chuckled harder when I swatted him.
“Learn to curb your wine intake when we have get-togethers, and you won’t
spend half the night emptying your bladder.”
I shoved his head this time, kicking and thrashing my legs, wiggling them
out from under his weight. I made it as far as a foot before his arms grew
vice-like and he rolled, taking me with him. Stopping in the center of our bed,
he pinned me beneath him, letting me feel a hint of his weight but holding the
bulk of it off me.

A hand slid down my side, curling around one of my legs and wrapping it
around his waist. “You know, a full bladder can heighten pleasure.”
I scrunched my nose, pressing my palms against his chest. “Is that
actually true?”
“I feel like we’re in a prime position to find out.” He rolled his hips,
eliciting a groan from me.

“Maddie.” I could hear the smile in his voice.
The man had been mine for over a year now, and I couldn’t get over how
lucky I felt every day we’d been together. He still technically lived next door
to us, but you wouldn’t know it since he slept in my bed every night. I didn’t
mind it. I’d never get enough of him.

I was just as head over heels in love with him as I had been all those
months ago. He treated me like a queen during the day and his own personal
whore at night, and I’d never been so fucking happy in my life.
But I’d also stab him in the damn foot if he didn’t get off me soon.
“You won’t remember what pleasure is, if you don’t extricate yourself
from on top of me.”

Another roll of his hips, firmer this time. “Baby, I’d love to see—”
Three quick raps hit my bedroom door. “Mom, Layla’s home. She’s
waiting outside and said to hurry up if we want a ride.”
“We’re coming, bud!” I pinched the underside of Garrett’s arm. “We’re
going to miss our flight, you giant ass caveman.”

“There’ll be another one if we do. My family can wait.” He raised his
arm, cupping the side of my face, and running a thumb along my cheekbone.
Pressing his lips to mine, he whispered onto them, “Are you nervous?”
“About peeing all over myself? Yes.”
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