Mercy for Reaper by Cassi Hart EPUB & PDF

Mercy for Reaper (STEEL ORDER MC #3) by Cassi Hart EPUB & PDF

Mercy for Reaper (STEEL ORDER MC #3) by Cassi Hart EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Cassi Hart
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 7.3 MB
  • Price: Free

Whenever I’ve imagined my death, I never envisioned it would
happen on the floor of a dirty warehouse at the hands of some nobodies.
Death is an odd thing to think about with as much frequency as I do, but
after dealing in death for a decade as a hitman before becoming an enforcer
for a motorcycle club, it’s impossible not to wonder what my own will be

What I pictured was an entirely different scenario.
I always imagined I would be riding my bike down a road on a
stormy night, and some highly skilled rival hitman would try to take me out,
causing me to crash my bike. I would die in a blaze of glory and gunfire,
like a scene from an action movie. An ending befitting a villain such as

Really, I’ve considered just about every possibility except . . . this.
I’m called Reaper for reason, Goddamnit. I earned the name sending
men worse than me straight to hell with a single shot from my gun. I
deserve a better ending than this.

Bloody and beaten, struggling to stay conscious as I hide in an
abandoned warehouse. It wouldn’t be quite so humiliating if not for the
idiots responsible for my condition. That I let these buffoons catch me off
guard is just disgraceful. If I somehow make it out of here, I’ll never hear
the end of it from Knight. It’s pathetic for a man like me to die huddled
behind a stack of rotting crates, utterly defenseless. The thought of my
brothers finding me this way is the only thing that forces me to sit up and
take stock of my surroundings, despite the burning sensation in my left arm.
No, I fucking refuse to die this way.

“You saw him go down, right? Do you think he is dead?”
The pain in my head has dark spots blurring my vision, and I know I
am close to losing consciousness again. My stomach lurches, and I have to
force myself not to be sick.

I hadn’t been prepared to find anyone inside when I came to check
out the warehouse. It’s an old building that the Broken Chains MC—our
former rivals—had used to store weapons for their gun running business.
But my club, the Steel Order MC, recently overtook and disbanded the
Broken Chains after we’d learned they had branched out into human
trafficking. The handful of members who’d managed to escape our wrath
had fled . . . or so we’d thought.

We got a tip that someone was seen going in and out of this
warehouse, and Priest, our club president, sent me to check it out. Normally,
that’d be Shadow’s job, but he was busy tonight doing recon somewhere
else. Stupidly, I’d figured it was probably just some homeless person
looking for shelter from the recent storms. I assumed they’d moved on by
now. I was wrong.

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