Memories of Magic by Rebekah Margaret Doss EPUB & PDF

Memories of Magic by Rebekah Margaret Doss EPUB & PDF

Memories of Magic by Rebekah Margaret Doss EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Rebekah Margaret Doss
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Werewolves & Shifters Suspense
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

We weren’t running away. There wasn’t really anything to run away from.
Not anymore. She was safe now. We were safe. I knew this. But I still
had to remind myself that we were not running away.
We just needed a break. That was it. And there was no better way to
have a break than to go on a road trip.

Even though my daughter did not like the idea of leaving for the entire
summer once school had ended. It might have been the fact that I had our
packed bags and ready to leave before she had exited her last Zoom class.
Or, because she had hoped to spend even a small amount of time with

That was two weeks ago, and we had been having fun visiting ghost
towns and museums since then. These were places that still seemed normal
and so far back in history they couldn’t have been tainted by the world
being exposed to magic.

There may very well have been magical items in the museum, or a
random magical being that lived in the now dead towns. But they were gone
now. There was nothing. So, there was no magical anything, and that meant
they were completely ordinary. They were safe.

Finding out that magic was truly out there, woven among us in the
world, was one thing. Finding out that there was a full-blown war between
the different magical beings, and that humans were, more often than not,
casualties of that war, was something completely different to process.

Witches. Of course there may have been witches in the world. They’d
always seemed to have had a big part in the history of mankind, even as
told through the lens of myths and legends of different cultures. There were
entire histories from different areas just based on witch hunts. But these
were just folklore, tales for the fanatics, and answers for the unanswerable

Believing in witches was to suspend belief in the natural and allow
belief in the supernatural. These stories allowed for the imagination to
conjure fanciful ideas of things that could have been or may have been –
there was never anything concrete, any evidence, that witches ever existed.
Magic had been well-known to be fiction.

Then the videos appeared, first on social media, before they were picked
up and broadcasted to the national news. Witches fighting against the
faeries. Or, at least that was what we were told. They definitely did not all
look like those little pixies that Disney, or even Neopets, promised me.

Some of the faeries seemed to be more human looking compared to
some of the monstrous counterparts. Yet, the vast subset diversity within the
faeries had no impact, at all, on the image portrayed by the complete set.
They all had something about them that just made them look…magical.

Dangerous. Terrifying. Mystical.
Four months ago, everything was a boringly normal January. Bills
needed to be paid. Meals needed to be planned and cooked. A sassy, preteen daughter needed to be raised, even though she believed she was a
capable adult.

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