MELT by Chrissy Hunger EPUB & PDF

MELT by Chrissy Hunger EPUB & PDF

MELT by Chrissy Hunger EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Chrissy Hunger
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Fantasy
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

His hands struggled to remain steady as he lowered the fifth electric
blue orb into the hay lined box. Fleck paused for one breath, then a second
breath. Pinpricks of fear dotted his forearms. Every beat of his heart felt like
boulders pounding on the inside of his chest. Fleck swallowed hard, then
loosened his fingers around the orb and let it slide out of the control of his
grasp. He waited for the sound of cracking glass—a wait that felt like a
lifetime between heartbeats, a lifetime of no breath, no air.
Silence. He allowed himself to exhale, shaking the stiffness from his
shoulders. With his hands still shaking, he closed the makeshift plywood lid
and draped the dusty grey cloth back over the crate.

He stepped back and examined his work. This was a good hiding place,
no one would find this box, and his spheres would be safe. The only
footprints matted into the thick layer of dust on the floor were his own. No
one could ever find these spheres because they would surely try to use them
if they did. The thought made Fleck shudder. He pushed the image of
frozen bodies from his mind, bodies of people he loved. Fleck blinked, and
in the split second of darkness where nightmares run free, Fleck saw the
bodies of everyone he knew.

Fleck wiped his hands around his face, rubbing his brow until the image
left. He reminded himself that he was still in the condemned factory. Fleck
turned toward the crumbling stone wall and welcomed the chill of the
outside air.

A gust of wind rushed through the open spaces between the broken
cinder blocks. Fleck’s snow-white hair whipped around his brow, and the
grey cloth surrounding the box billowed and shifted to reveal the handwritten warning scratched into the wood


Fleck smeared the dirt from his hands on the back of his tattered denim
pants. Lifting the cloth and unfolding the corner, he secured it back over
the box. He bent down and picked up a few handfuls of rubble.
“Don’t worry, Mom, I’ve got this,” Fleck said to the wind. He placed
the larger rocks on the corners to weight down the fabric, then placed shards
of splintered wood and the remains of an old pipe on the top. He had
absolutely no idea if his mom had sent the wind through the factory to blow
off the covering at that exact moment, but he liked to think she could if she
wanted to.

Fleck stepped back to ensure the covering was adequately secure, the lid
tightly fastened, and the debris naturally dispersed.
“I’m perfectly capable of taking care of things.”
Again, no one answered.

Grabbing a fragment of splintering wood and working backward, Fleck
swept away any trace of his footprints from the dusty floor.

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