Meant to Love by Lucy Darling EPUB & PDF

Meant to Love by Lucy Darling EPUB & PDF

Meant to Love by Lucy Darling EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Lucy Darling
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

I jerk to a sitting position at the loud banging at my front
door. A small ache pounds at the back of my head as I try and
clear the fog out of my eyes. I am used to falling asleep at my
desk but never my sofa. The thing is fucking uncomfortable.
I’ve had it for two years and this might be the first time I’ve
actually used it. I stretch, trying to work the knot out of my
neck that has formed. For as much as that couch probably
fucking cost, you would think it would at least be

“Colden. Open the door. If you have one of those
Clementine sisters in there I swear to God, I’ll fucking quit!”
Charla, my assistant, yells through the door. She is the only
person on the planet with the balls to actually yell at me.
Sure, my sister, Rochelle, could get away with it but she’s
never done it. My boss, Leo, too, but we are like brothers.
When we used to get pissed at each other it would come to
blows. Those days are long gone. Not to mention he lives on
the other side of the country. Most of our dealings are over
the phone or by email. I haven’t seen him in person for a
while now.

Charla bangs on the door again. Luckily I’m the only one
that lives on this floor. In fact, I’m the only person that
actually lives in the building at all. All of the other floors are
offices. I did it mostly out of convenience. I practically live at
the office these days and it is easier for me to have
everything in one place. I pull myself from the sofa knowing
she won’t leave until I open the door. I can still smell the
scotch I drank last night on me. I need a shower and a good

Things got out of hand rather quickly last night,
apparently. My head is pounding in the aftermath. I stumble
over to my front door, flipping the lock to see one very
pissed off executive assistant standing there with her hands
on her hips. As always, she’s in a suit, her dark hair pulled
back tight. The woman is small but a force to be reckoned
with. I am lucky to have stolen her from another company.
She is good at her job and has been doing it since I was
probably still in diapers.

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