Meant to be Tied by Monique Shepherd EPUB & PDF

Meant to be Tied (MEANT TO BE #2) by Monique Shepherd EPUB & PDF

Meant to be Tied (MEANT TO BE #2) by Monique Shepherd EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Monique Shepherd
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

I can feel the crisp winter air on my face as I run down the gravel road past
the pastures of Whispering Pines Cattle Ranch. When looking for a place
to start over, I found an ad for an old, affordable bunkhouse on the outskirts
of a beautiful ranch that had been refurbished into a small cottage. It is not
much, but I can afford it on my lesser salary, and my landlord doesn’t ever
seem to feel the need to barge in, unlike my previous one.

Every morning after my run, before work, I carve out a few minutes to sit
and enjoy my new view. The orange and pink sun filters through the old oak
trees and illuminates the lush green grass of the rolling pastures. Several
brown horses typically graze lazily each morning, as my backyard is home
to their stables.

The icy air hits my lungs with every breath, making the run more difficult
than most mornings, but I continue pushing on. It’s the middle of February
in Live Oak, a blustery forty degrees. I find myself wishing that I had
invested in a treadmill for my house. The sound of “Limits” by Bad Omens
floods my ears, and with every step I take, the gravel road crunches beneath
my feet.

My morning runs have become my outlet in the past four and a half
months, something I never would have done when I lived in Redwood. I run
at least two miles daily to clear my mind and awaken my body for the day.
Working at a small family clinic/urgent care combo barely fifteen minutes
from my house, I am home before six p.m. most evenings. Most of my
patients are in their thirties to sixties with high blood pressure or diabetes. I
occasionally see a few pediatric patients sprinkled in with sprains or
seasonal colds. The clinic has been a change in pace from the chaos of the
emergency room back in Dallas. I do not remember the last time I had to do
compressions on a patient. This job doesn’t suck the life out of your
emotions like the ER did; if anything, it’s renewed my passion for nursing.
Life has definitely slowed down for me, and I did not realize how much I
needed that.

I feel my side start to tighten, so I slow my run to a jog when, all of a
sudden, I feel a tug on my arm. Pulling my AirPods from my ears, my
breathing is heavy as I turn around, finding Nessa crouched over and

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