Meant for Her by Vella Day EPUB & PDF

Meant for Her (PACK WARS-THE GRANGERS #4) by Vella Day EPUB & PDF

Meant for Her (PACK WARS-THE GRANGERS #4) by Vella Day EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Vella Day
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“What the fuck? Who the hell are those guys?” Rancher Luke Lattimore
shouted as he rode alongside his twin brother, Ryan.
They had just reached the valley where their cows were grazing when
they saw six men stealing several of their cattle. Who they were, Luke
didn’t know, but he sure as hell was going to find out.

Luke took off at a gallop, his horse’s hooves smacking hard against the
slightly snow-covered ground. As he raced to save his livelihood, Luke’s
heart was beating faster than his horse’s hooves. “Come on, Atlas. You can
do it, boy.”

He sped toward the thieves and their two eighteen-wheelers that
contained their precious cargo. The gallop of Atlas’ hooves, the creak of
saddle leather, and the rush of wind, blocked out all but his raging thoughts.
What he’d do when he reached the bastards, he wasn’t sure, but it wouldn’t
be a cordial exchange.

Whether they were fellow werewolves or not, he couldn’t tell from this
distance. Crap. This was the last thing the Circle L Ranch needed.
The thieves closed the back of both trucks containing way too many of
the Lattimore cows, jumped into the cab, and peeled away.

Shit. Luke pushed Atlas harder. With his Winchester 30-30 lever-action
rifle in the scabbard on his saddle and his Colt 45 single-action in his
holster, he might have a chance to at least shoot out one or hopefully more
tires. His options would be limited even if they slowed.

If they happened to stop while on Lattimore land far enough away from
the highway, he and Ryan could shift, but fighting six werewolves—
assuming they were shifters—would be a huge challenge.
Ryan caught up to him, his focus on the thieves. They only owned one
hundred and twenty cows, barely enough to pay off the creditors as it was,
six of which were about to give birth. If they lost any of those, the Circle L
Ranch might go bankrupt.
Luke didn’t need to dwell on the future but on the here and now.
“Shoot out their tires,” Ryan shouted.

That was his plan. Luke was a better shot than his twin, but he was
aware that it was next to impossible to hit a tire on a moving vehicle from a
galloping horse. That wouldn’t stop him from trying, however. It wasn’t as
if he had a lot of choices.

Concentrating on not being thrown off his horse, he slipped his
Winchester from the scabbard, cocked it, and took aim just as the lead truck
neared the main road.

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