Mating Season by Kitty Thomas EPUB & PDF

Mating Season by Kitty Thomas EPUB & PDF

Mating Season by Kitty Thomas EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Kitty Thomas
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Stop me if you’ve heard this one… there’s a hypothetical question that
went around the internet that goes something like this: As a woman,
would you rather be confronted with a bear in the woods, or a man?
Every woman with a pulse says bear, to the absolute utter outrage of the
entire internet male population.

They think we haven’t understood the question. Or that we’re just silly
irrational women who don’t get that bears are dangerous, or the damage a
bear’s claws can do. Maybe they think we have some Disney Princess
fantasy where we sit in the forest singing while surrounded by all the
woodland creatures. Maybe they think we think that bears can be our
friends. I might think that last one just a little bit, but I’m not actually
deluded enough to really believe it.

Who knows? I do know they think we’re exaggerating the danger of the
average human male stranger. Because their next flustered words are “Not
all men!” Oh, that’s comforting. Not all men. So as long as there’s one
shining unicorn white knight we should rest easy. I’m glad there was a man
on the internet to explain this to me. You know if it was only a few men
they’d say “Not most men”, they’d never give up that opportunity for the
moral high ground, but they give their game away because what they
want… is access—easy access to their natural prey: women.

As far as I’m aware, I’m not a bear’s natural prey. Fun fact about bears,
they are hypo-carnivores which means they only get about thirty percent of
their diet from meat. And even when hungry, a human isn’t their first choice
of food. They also aren’t a territorial species. I’ll take my chances with the
bear. Thank you for your concern, random dude on the internet.

I’m actually hiking in the woods right now mentally obsessing about
this stupid hypothetical question and how much it enrages me. By myself.
At night.

Before you start your judgments about how foolish I am to be alone out
in the woods at night, let me explain myself. And I’m sure actually the
reason you’re judging me right now is not because you thought I might run
into a bear. Yeah. Exactly.

I was hiking in the middle of the day, and then I got lost, and then it got
dark. That was actually a quicker explanation than I thought it was going to

I glimpse bits of the full moon through the spaces between the trees. An
owl hoots in the distance because of course it does. And then I hear the
crunch of leaves, and somehow I know that’s a boot from a human… not
the scurrying of an animal. It’s too close, and contrary to many people’s
fears, wild animals don’t tend to creep so close to humans for fun.

“You lost, sweetheart?” His voice is a thick southern drawl. He’s some
good old boy that likes to be out in the woods. Is he hunting? Camping?
Probably not hiking. Nobody really does that at night—except for me…
who didn’t understand the assignment… “be home before dark.” Or at least
safely locked inside your car.

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