Marrying Myself by Christine Melanie Benson EPUB & PDF

Marrying Myself by Christine Melanie Benson EPUB & PDF

Marrying Myself by Christine Melanie Benson EPUB & PDF – Details About

  • Author: Christine Melanie Benson
  • Genre: Women’s Literature & Fiction
  • Publish Date: November 23, 2022
  • Size: 1MB
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Status: Avail for Download
  • Price: Free


The narrator of T. S. Eliot’s poem “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”
says, “I have measured out my life by coffee spoons.” I, on the other hand,
have in many ways happily measured out my life by coffee shops, which
have served me in equal parts as office, meeting place, refuge, and escape.
Thank you in particular to these cozy, quirky, independent coffee shops,
where much of Marrying Myself was written, rewritten, tweaked, and
lovingly nudged into the novel it is today: Boston Common Coffee (Boston),
Ninth Street Espresso (New York City), The Bean (New York City), Ost
Café (New York City), Ugly Mugs (Nashville).

Thank you to my mother, Motria Benson, the first person to read the
completed manuscript of Marrying Myself, whose love and support for my
writing has never wavered, notwithstanding her also never-wavering urgings
to get a real job. Thank you to my sister, Terry Pittman, whose insightful
feedback and real-time reactions to the characters and events in Marrying
Myself helped me make the novel more heartfelt, more real, and more fun.
Thank you my brother, Mickey Benson, whose architecture stories inspired
many of the fictional design tales in this book. Thank you also to my
steadfast, loving father, Michael Benson. Thank you to Elijah Shaw for
keeping me consistently on track, with my eye on the prize and my heart in
good hands. And thank you to my dearly departed vegan cat, Sammy, who
was not a reader but loved books and whose blackness, litheness, sleekness,
and sweetness will forever remain the stuff of legends.

A special thank you to Jenny Villalobos, Lisa Padden, Amy Sibulkin,
Cindy Martin, and Amy Nathan, whose comments and constructive criticism
were integral to the revisions that made this book better in its final form than
its original. Thank you to Boston friends Melanie Cerio, Allison Jones,
Monika Pauli, Nancy Radford, Woody, Brad, John, David(x3), Justine,
Sarah, Lucille, Paul, Donna, Mary Beth, and Lynne for their love and support
during both my best and darkest times. Thank you to Albert Smegal for
believing so earnestly in Marrying Myself that he even dreamed of its final
cover. And thank you to Laureen Evans Granger, without whom this novel
would never have been conceived.



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