Marriage is Murder by Tegan Maher EPUB & PDF

Marriage is Murder by Tegan Maher EPUB & PDF

Marriage is Murder by Tegan Maher EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author:Tegan Maher
  • Language: English
  • Genre:Werewolf & Shifter Mysteries
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Five more days and it’ll be over,” I said to my cousin Raeann after she
finished the call with the flower shop. She looked like she was ready
to bang her head against the wall, and I couldn’t blame her. On top of
having a busier-than-usual day at her coffee shop, Brew4U, she’d been
making last-minute calls to tie up her maid-of-honor duties.

We were in the tail end of summer-wedding season, and I was ready to
swear off them entirely. Over the last four months, we’d had to attend five
of them, and of those five, we only really cared about two of the people in
them. Still we were in the South, and society dictated that even if it was
your thirty-second cousin twice removed, you went, you smiled, and you
pretended like the bride or groom was the dearest relative you had.

“Believe me,” she replied, plucking a clean rag from a bucket of
sanitizer, “it can’t come fast enough. At this point, Dave and I are either
going to live together in unholy sin for the rest of our lives or else we’ll
elope. We haven’t even talked about it, but I’m making an executive
decision for if and when the time comes. I’m not going to inflict this kind of
misery on anybody I care about.”

I laughed. “Funny you should mention that. Hunter and I were just
discussing the same thing the other day, and we don’t understand the hassle.
You spend six months blowin’ money like it’s Monopoly bills just to stand
in front of an altar for five minutes and do something you could’ve done for
free at the justice of the peace. Kaylee Adams spent eight grand just on her
dress, for Pete’s sake. And we won’t even go into the whole family drama

Raeann held up her hand, palm out, and rolled her eyes. “Oh my god!
We thought our family was bad at this kind of thing? No. You’re lucky you
haven’t even met all of Cara’s family. Those people are a hot mess. Her
mother and stepmother were throwing cake at each other the other day at
the tasting. They didn’t even notice poor Cara crying. And the worst part is
that the flavors they were fighting over weren’t even the ones Cara liked.”
Cara was our friend from college. The three of us had been inseparable
then, but we’d grown apart. She lived in Atlanta, and all of us led busy lives.
Our relationship had dwindled down to an occasional phone call and liking
each other’s memes on Facebook, so Raeann had been surprised when Cara
had called and asked her to be her maid of honor.

Raeann had been a little hesitant to accept. Even though we loved her,
we remembered her mother from college. The woman had gone into her
room while we were at orientation and decorated her entire side in Hello
Kitty everything. Poor Cara had been horrified when we got back. She
wasn’t even a Hello Kitty fan, but apparently her mother had seen a college
dorm room in a magazine decorated with it and thought it had looked cute.

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