Mark’s Forbidden Mate by Blake R. Wolfe EPUB & PDF

Mark’s Forbidden Mate by Blake R. Wolfe EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Blake R. Wolfe
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.9 MB
  • Price: Free

Enchanting a small suitcase to hold an entire dorm room’s worth of
supplies was easily the best summer project I’d ever spent time on. It
wasn’t a particularly difficult piece of magic, but creating one so big
provided a bit of a challenge. Not to mention, it was expensive to gather all
the materials I needed. It wasn’t every day you just happened across a full
liter of stardust. But I needed it to punch a hole in reality to create my little
pocket dimension. After all, where is a boy supposed to store all his cute
crop tops if not in the void?

Not that I’d ever get the chance to wear them this year. In fifteen
minutes, I was teleporting to the mountains of West Virginia, where a tiny,
elite paranormal university was nestled into a valley. It was called
Widdershins Academy, and it was only for the best of the best. And since
I’d gotten a full-ride there, that meant if I had anything less than a perfect
GPA, I would lose my funding.

Now, my family wasn’t poor. Being from a long line of witches
comes with its perks. However, an academy like Widdershins had no use for
money. They charged tuition in years of service to the school. It wasn’t
exactly slavery, but it wasn’t freedom either. And the last thing I wanted to
do was be bound to that school for the next five to ten years every time they
had an emergency.

That was just not my thing.
I was what you’d call a free spirit. In other words, I did what I
damn well pleased and to hell with anyone who thought otherwise. I was far
too young and gay to give a fuck what anyone thought about me.
However, unlike most witches, I didn’t let the power go to my
head. Since I was a kid, my parents had been teaching me how to be
responsible with my magic. Because, much like genies and wishes, magic
wasn’t an exact art. It could go wrong. Terribly wrong if you weren’t
careful. And there were plenty who had paid the ultimate price for not being

But I was in school, and that kind of magic wasn’t something we
studied. We did things like divination or conjuration or whatever. But
lighting candles with a flick of your finger or telling the future weren’t
really my focus. I was what they called a Spirit Witch. That meant I could
do just about any kind of magic, but my power came from the universe
itself. I could manipulate light, change electromagnetic fields, and even
manipulate life itself.

“Are you almost done packing?” a familiar feminine voice called
up the stairs. “Your ride is here.”
“Be down in a minute, Mom.”

I stuffed the last of my clothes into the void inside the suitcase.
The books were already in there, not to mention an entire semester’s worth
of supplies for my classes. I took one last look around the room, making
sure I’d gotten everything. Just as I was ready to close the case, my gaze
fell on the little wolf plushy that sat nestled between my pillows.
“Do you want to come with me, Artie?” I asked, picking up the
fluffy toy I’d had for years.

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