Mama Si’s Paradisec(FALL OF THE SEVEN ISLES #1) by D.N. Hoxa EPUB & PDF

Mama Si’s Paradisec(FALL OF THE SEVEN ISLES #1) by D.N. Hoxa EPUB & PDF

Mama Si’s Paradisec(FALL OF THE SEVEN ISLES #1) by D.N. Hoxa EPUB & PDF  – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: D.N. Hoxa
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Fantasy
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

They call me Fall, like when a little kid is still learning how to walk and
falls a lot.

Like the leaves do from trees when summer ages and decides to retire
for the year.
Like snowflakes on a winter night, and rain in a spring afternoon, and
stars across the midnight sky—exactly like what my heart was doing when I
pushed that door open and I heard the sound of her voice, those moans of
pleasure I never quite knew how to fake right.

It fell and fell and fell, then broke into a million pieces long before
Brandon walked out of the bedroom, our bedroom, eyes wide and hair all
over the place, a sheet—our sheet, wrapped around his hips. As if he was
hiding from me. As if I hadn’t seen all there was to see on him a thousand
times already.

He found me by the door to our small one-bedroom apartment still,
doorknob in hand, unable to breathe or blink or think, only fall and break
and fall some more. Just like my name.

“Fall,” Brandon said. “What are you…you were supposed to be—y-yyou were supposed to pick up groceries!”
Yes, I was. It was my job to pick up groceries for the whole week, and
I’d made the list and I had it in the Notes app on my phone. I knew exactly
what to get, and he’d left me the money for it this morning, too, but halfway
to the store, I’d realized that I forgot my wallet—silly, silly Fall—so I came

I came back and found this.
Brandon Jones, my boyfriend, the guy I’d convinced myself that I’d
grow old with since I was sixteen. We’d been together since then, and we
were going to be together to infinity—wasn’t that what he told me that
night when we packed our bags and left our miserable town behind? Wasn’t
that what he promised a week earlier when he got his job offer and he
begged me to come with him so I could take care of him while he took care
of his career, so that then he could take care of me?
Wasn’t that what we said we did—took care of each other?
“I’m sorry,” Brandon said.

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