Mail-Order Gamble by Karla Gracey EPUB & PDF

Mail-Order Gamble by Karla Gracey EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Karla Gracey
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Historical Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

December 15th, 1897, Fort McKinney, Wyoming
Dr. Matthew Inglis was restless. He’d barely been back in Wyoming for
three months, and it already felt too familiar. Despite his best efforts to
be sent elsewhere, it seemed that his orders were to finish his military
service here. He’d spent more than three years posted at Fort McKinney
when he’d first joined the army, only then had he been permitted to go
further afield. It had driven him half-crazy, being stuck there. So much for
the life constantly on the move that he had been promised. And now, just
three postings later, and he was back where he’d started – though he only
had another week until his time in the army was up completely. He could
bear it. And then, heaven alone only knew where he would go next.

He had considered re-enlisting, but being forced to go where the
military sent him hadn’t exactly fulfilled his need to wander and be free of
the strictures that staying in one place entailed. He had hoped to move
regularly and see different things, but the inside of one military hospital was
much like any other, the work the same, and the rules and regulations that
bound his conduct had been stifling at times. So, now, he would be leaving
in just a few weeks, but he had nowhere to go, and while the thought
excited him, he had to admit that it was also a little daunting.

He dressed quickly for dinner and checked himself perfunctorily in the
cheval glass in his quarters. He had to admit that he certainly looked good
in his uniform, and he would miss the attention from pretty young ladies
that it brought him at military functions. He ran his finger under the tight
collar and winced. He would not miss the scratchy, heavy wool of it though,
or its restrictive nature. It was like being in a furnace when he had to dance,
and the stench of the wool if it got wet made him stink like a wet dog.

He peeked out of the window. The threatened storm had not yet arrived,
but the clouds looked a little ominous. He prayed that the rain stayed off
until he’d gotten safely inside General Holkham’s house on the other side of
the Fort. It was one thing to return home a bedraggled and offensive
smelling mess, but it certainly would not make for a pleasant dinner if he
arrived that way. He turned out the lamp and hurried out along the corridor
of the barracks, across the training yard and through the arch that led to the
senior officers’ quarters.

Thankfully, the rain held off until he was safely under the cover of
General Holkham’s porch, where he knocked on the door and waited
patiently for the door to open. Mrs. Holkham opened the door, smiling.
“Well, Captain Inglis, how lovely to see you. I’m so glad you could come,”
she said tucking her arm through his and leading him inside.

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