Magnolias and Murder by Tegan Maher EPUB & PDF

Magnolias and Murder by Tegan Maher EPUB & PDF

Magnolias and Murder by Tegan Maher EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Tegan Maher
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Ghost Mysteries
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

That’s a bad boy, Arlo!” I said, shaking my half-eaten flip flop at
the golden retriever. “These were my favorites!”
He turned his big brown eyes downward, giving me his best
guilty, I’m-so-sorry look. The thing was, I knew he wasn’t sorry enough not
to chew another pair the minute he got a chance. Still, his woebegone look
was enough, as always, to melt my heart. I didn’t quite have it in me to pet
him yet because that sandal had been half of my favorite pair, but I did stop
shaking it at him.

Max, the sarcastic donkey who’d befriended the dog, glared at me as he
nuzzled Arlo. “He wouldn’t chew your shoes if you’d put them in the closet
where they belong.”
The fact that he was right only made me crankier, so I just glared back
before turning on my heel and stomping to the kitchen. Finding yet another
mauled shoe when the big goof had a dozen chew toys strewn around the
house wasn’t exactly the best thing to happen to me before I’d had my first
cup of coffee.

As I pulled an espresso pod from the drawer and popped it into the
coffee machine, Arlo followed me and licked my hand.
“He says he’s sorry,” Max said, clomping in behind him.
I scowled. “Then since you seem to understand him, ask him why he
keeps doing it if he’s sorry. And also ask him to please stop drinking from
the toilet. Sitting on a wet toilet seat at two in the morning is annoying. He
has a bowl of water right by the door.”

Arlo spent half his time sleeping with Hunter and me and the other half
sleeping with Max either in the barn or in his bed in the parlor. Despite the
shoe thing and the wet toilet seat, I liked it when he snuggled up at our feet.
I didn’t want to kick him out, but I was an inch from doing it before he put
me broke buying shoes. Max was right in that I could put them in my closet,
but I wasn’t that organized. And besides, I shouldn’t have to.

Max drew his bushy brows down. “Tell him yourself. He’s standing
right there. You’re the one with the language barrier, not him.”
Arlo woofed a couple of times toward Max.
“He says he’ll stop chewing your shoes. They’re a temptation, but he’ll
do his best. As far as the toilet, he says the water’s colder in there. The
water in the bowl is tepid. You can’t blame him. How would you like to
drink lukewarm tea?”

“Fine. I’ll add ice to his bowl at night before we go to bed if he’ll agree
to stop drinking out of the toilet.” I sighed as my coffee dripped into my
cup. This is what my life had become. I was bargaining with a Golden
Retriever via my talking donkey because my toilet water was refreshingly

Arlo woofed once and licked my hand, then sat and offered me his paw.

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