Lyon of the Highlands by Emily Royal EPUB & PDF

Lyon of the Highlands by Emily Royal EPUB & PDF

Lyon of the Highlands by Emily Royal EPUB & PDF – eBook Details

  • Author: Emily Royal
  • Language: English
  • Formats: PDF / EPUB
  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Series: None
  • Price: Free
  • File Size: 1 MB

THE SOUND OF laughter filtered through the air. Mina sighed and rubbed her
forehead. The aches had grown more frequent of late—not only the one in
her head, but the ache caused by the chasm in her heart.
She reclined on the chaise longue, listening to the shrieks coming from
the garden outside—voices filled with life and love.

Children’s voices.
Part of her sighed with pleasure at the sound. For years she had yearned
to hear children’s laughter at Redstone Hall. But another part of her despaired
over the laughter, knowing that the children were not hers.
The specters of the children she’d lost, which had haunted the grounds,
had long since been replaced by the living, breathing children of her stepson,
Mason, who brought with him two lively young girls the day he married, as
well as his vibrant, elegant wife, Lily.

And now, Lily had furnished Mason with a third child—the son and heir
that all earls yearned for.
The son and heir to take the place of the child Mina had failed to give
Charles before he died cursing her.
Barren little bitch…

She shivered at the thought of her late husband, and her hand moved
involuntarily to her stomach—the empty belly that had expelled so many
children before they’d even been born, and in doing so, had ripped out her
The laughter increased, and, her head throbbing, she rose from the chaise
longue and teetered toward the window, reaching out to the windowsill to
steady herself as the world tipped sideways.

Then she drew back the curtain, and blinked as the sunlight assaulted her
senses. As her eyes adjusted to the light, she focused on the scene in the
garden below.
Four hats had been placed on the lawn, forming a square. In the center of
the square, a young girl stood, dressed in white, with flowers in her hair. She
threw a ball into the air and caught it. Standing opposite, beside one of the
hats, was an identical girl—her twin—holding a baton in both hands. Two
others stood on the lawn—Mason and Lily, Mina’s stepson and his wife—
each standing next to one of the remaining hats.

At the edge of the garden, an older woman sat reclined in a chair, a bright
blanket over her knees. A young maidservant kneeled on a blanket on the
ground at her feet, playing with a toddler.
They were Mina’s family—but in name only. As the dowager Lady
Redstone, she had a place in their home, but it was no longer her home—it
had never been her home.

The first girl raised her arm then hurled the ball forward. It sailed through
the air, and the second girl swung the baton back and hit the ball with a
resounding crack. She let out a whoop of joy, threw the baton to the ground,
and set off, racing toward the first hat.

The ball sailed through the air, landing near the border where a flush of
bright pink peonies shimmered in the light against the dark green foliage, and
the woman hitched up her skirts and raced toward it.
“Mama—hurry!” the first girl cried, while her sister continued to race
from hat to hat.
Lily picked up the ball and threw it in an underarm gesture toward the

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