Lunar Love by Lauren Kung Jessen EPUB & PDF

Lunar Love by Lauren Kung Jessen EPUB & PDF

Lunar Love by Lauren Kung Jessen EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Author Name: Lauren Kung Jessen
  • Book Genre:
  • ISBN # 
  • Edition Language: English
  • Date of Publication: January 10, 2023
  • File Format: PDF / EPUB
  • PDF / EPUB Size: 8 MB

In my almost eight years of matchmaking, there’s one thing I know to be
true: love is like the moon.
Case in point: love moves in phases. New love is a barely there whisper
in the night sky, a slow burn into brightness. The relationship matures in the
first quarter, advancing into full illumination—two compatible people
becoming whole. The immediate passion wanes but doesn’t disappear.
Instead, the initial flash evolves into a steady glow. Like the moon, love is
dependable. You don’t have to see the moon or love to know they’re there.

Both the moon and love are romantic and enchanting, can be moody and
mysterious, possess dark sides, and have gravitational pulls on us that we
just can’t control, no matter how hard we try. The moon was formed when a
large object collided into Earth, a happenstance so cataclysmically
devastating that produced something so beautiful. When two people collide,
there’s the possibility that love will be created. There’s also the potential for
us and everything we’ve ever known to be thrown out of orbit.

As a matchmaker at Lunar Love, my family’s Chinese zodiac
matchmaking business, it’s my duty to keep clients and their relationships
rotating on their axes and revolving in orbit. I make thoughtful and
personalized matches based on people’s compatible animal sign traits. My
years of hard work have paid off because I’ll officially be in charge of
Lunar Love in just a few hours. By the end of today, its legacy will be my

I’ve dedicated myself to my craft, so one day, I can be half as good as Pó
Po, who has grown Lunar Love through the decades. Expectations to make
matches is one thing, but when you’re the granddaughter of Lunar Love’s
famously successful matriarch, whose match rate for Chinese zodiac
matchmaking is near-perfect, expectations reach truly celestial heights.

I park in my usual spot in the public parking garage a couple of blocks
from Lunar Love and weave through early-bird tourists on the hunt for
breakfast in Los Angeles’s Chinatown. In the eight-minute walk from my
car to Lucky Monkey Bakery, I watch vendors roll their boxes of vegetables
and fruits on hand trucks and bump against early morning shoppers eager to
beat the crowds. Burnt orange lanterns are strung between colorful pagodastyle shops, dotting the light blue, cloud-speckled sky.

Vivid murals recount
Chinese legends, the colorful mosaics popping against the dulled brick.
An incoming call from my mom glows on my phone screen. Before I can
say hello, a voice at the other end frantically speaks. “Where are you?
Never mind. I need you to make a quick stop!”
“I’m grabbing a late breakfast at Lucky Monkey,” I say, quickening my

“Oh, perfect! I need you to pick up extra buns.” The stress in Mom’s
voice practically makes my cellphone vibrate.
“Don’t you think the cake I made will be enough? Plus all the pastries
Dad made?” I ask, sidestepping a man carrying a tub of fish. “Lucky
Monkey’s been open for a couple of hours already so I don’t know how
much will be left.”

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