Lumberjack John by Irene Lawless EPUB & PDF

Lumberjack John by Irene Lawless EPUB & PDF

Lumberjack John by Irene Lawless EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Irene Lawless
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Long Lake, WI
Frankie held up her phone. “Well, I’ve finally made it. The trip was
abysmal and I’m absolutely knackered.” She scanned the small room she’d
booked at the local inn, her nose wrinkling at the dated décor. But the
sturdy wood furniture and ancient armoire held a polished shine. And she
was fairly certain she could run a white-gloved finger across any surface
and it would come away clean. The owner clearly took pride in her
establishment and Frankie wondered idly how long it had been a hotel. “It’s
not much, but it’ll be fine for the week.”

“Oh, that’s fabulous! I have so many questions.”
Frankie rolled her eyes. Of course her boss and best friend, Sharon
Higgins, would ignore the part about the horrific connecting flights or that
Frankie was utterly exhausted. The woman could wax on and on about
minute details of the most asinine things when she was excited about a
topic. And Sharon was definitely excited about Wisconsin. She was the
Executive Director of the British Arborist Society and a devoted single
mother. This visit to the United States was one she had desperately wanted
to make herself, but family obligations did not permit it. She was not happy
about that and made sure everyone knew.

Thus, Frankie, who was gloriously single and unencumbered, had been
recruited to make the trip in Sharon’s stead. It didn’t hurt that Frankie had
special ties to this area of Wisconsin, a connection she believed would help
her in her mission to win Mr. Robbins to their cause.

“Is it as rustic as we imagined?” Sharon peppered her with questions.
“What’s the weather like? Is the sun shining? Is it warm? Are the men
gorgeous? Tell me everything!”

Frankie chuckled, tucking her cell phone into her shoulder as she
unpacked her suitcase. “Well, the inn is rather rustic and quaint.” Her gaze
landed on a wood carving of a bear standing guard near the door. “The
weather is definitely not warm because it’s late October. It’s a bit chilly and
breezy today, but the sun is shining through the clouds as we speak.” She
opened the blinds, letting in the light.

“And I have no idea about the men.”
“Pfft!” Sharon huffed, signaling her impatience. “How could you have no
idea? Do you not have eyes in your head, girl?” she griped. “Please do not
forget that I am living vicariously through you. It is your responsibility to
be as flamboyant, flirtatious, and ridiculous as possible. And then report
back to me, in detail.” She enunciated the last two words.

Frankie snorted. “That is where you are wrong, Mizz Higgins. My
responsibility is to learn what it is that makes this section of Wisconsin so
incredibly successful at reforestation and to enlist Mr. Robbins in our
efforts, remember? It does not include picking up studs from seedy bars or
seducing unsuspecting men from the local lakes. Which, if I’m being
honest, sounds incredibly dangerous. I’ve heard Yanks can be absolutely
unpredictable and beastly.”

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